'Are you fucking serious?! I swear to god, I hate that bitch'

'Leave it to me. I will gut that bitch from the inside out'

'Great! I will find Sam and then we can get to the reveal'

'Good, as soon as Tara and I are done talking, we will be there'

"Well, he's dead," Mindy uttered to herself as Richie went downstairs.

She settles herself back into the movie, but then she cathes a glance of a figure behind her in the TV.

She spins her head around fearing the worst only to see that it's Liv.
She was pissed as she let herself fall on the couch.

"Goddamn uber canceled on me. Could tonight get any worse?!" Liv sighed.
(Yes, Liv. Yes.)

"You could die," Mindy said nonchalantly before remembering that her brother was searching for Liv.

She sat upright, looking at Liv, who gave mindy a are you fucking serious look, suspiciously, "Where's my brother?"

Liv looked confused at her, "I don't know. Probably off accusing everyone of being the fucking killer."

Mindy felt more unsettled at the idea of being alone with Liv. Could Liv really be the killer? And more importantly, where is her brother?

"He went looking for you..." Mindy trailed off, feeling slightly scared.

"I didn't see him, okay?" Liv answered before she noticed Mindy's expression  "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Mindy was contemplating if she should even answer that question, however she decided to reply nonetheless.

"Just revising my suspect list..."

Liv had stood back up and walked closer to Mindy menincly, "Are you afraid of me, Mindy? You think I did something to your brother? You think I am going to cut you up?"

"A little now, yeah," The Meeks-Martin girl inched further away from Liv as she grew more and more suspicious.

"You said I was too boring to be the killer. But maybe that's the twist, right? What do you think? You're the expert. And you know what eventually happens to the expert?" Liv questioned as she reminded Mindy of what she had said.

Liv holds her hand up to her throat before drawing her fingers across it.
Mindy felt terrified and no doubt that she also looked terrified. Liv's eyes averted to the TV.

"Enjoy your stupid movie. I'm going to call Mel. Maybe she can come pick  me up and then I can hang out with a person I actually like," Liv uttered as she turned around and left the room, dialing Amelia's number.

As unsettled Mindy was she returned back to the movie and took a big swig of tequila to calm down. She looked down at her phone to see if she got any messages.

She did,

'Where the fuck are you?!'

It was send a couple of minutes ago, but Mindy decides to just answer.

'At the memorial party for Wes. Wanne come?'

Mindy of course being too wasted to even realise that the message was quite concerning.
She went back to her movie putting her phone down.

On the screen was Randy, well the actor who played Randy, he was drunk on the couch watching Halloween.

On the TV:

"No, Jaime. Watch out. Watch out. Jaime, you know he's around. You know he'- there he is. I told you."

Right then Ghostface appeared behind movie Randy.

Did I make you scream [female oc x Mindy Meeks-Martin]Where stories live. Discover now