Foretelling Hollow 2

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Zane chapter. That's why it took longer. Zane is so hard to write, oh my gosh. Also Zane lore.

Edit- Zane now says 12 instead of 15... .I can't count, so made a slight mistake there. He's the same age as Cole, it's just I made a slight mistake when saying when he turned. Writing at 5am does make mistakes.

Zane looks down with Nya at the never-ending ocean. 

“Are we sure we should go here?” She asks as Jay up on the crow's nest begins yelling. 

“I SEE THE CITY!” Cole salutes from the wheel and begins lowering the ship towards the ocean. 

“My crow encountered a lycan skeleton, and from my research it likely has fangs like us.” 

“You think vampires would come this far for some venom?” Nya looks at the robot. 

“Indeed, if they are willing to try and kill us, certainly they would travel for an easier method.” 



Nya swiftly turns with Zane as a brown wolf rushes out, followed by a confused blonde. 

“What the fuck is happening?” Lloyd frowns at Nya as he then watches Kai freaking out like a cat in a bag. He sprinted up and around the decks, eventually leading him nearly off the edge of the ship, but Zane grabbed the wolf who immediately howled in fright. 

“Kai, calm down!” Nya glares at the freaking wolf and Cole brings the ship closer to a less populated area. 

“Jay! Tie the rope!” Jay smiles and dives down, walking past Kai and everyone trying to calm him. 

Zane looks at the wolf and at Kai's shaking form. 

“I'll get him off the ship.” 

“What about humans?” Nya asks Zane.

“If humans ask me, I'll say he is a dog.” Lloyd and Nya choked. 

“What?” Nya smiles and Kai leers up as Zane places him on the docks. But slowly then curls up at seeing water through the piers’ old boards. 

“He's going to be like that all day.” Nya lowers her head and Zane turns to Jay, and helps him tie the gigantic rope. Cole comes down from the ship.

“Alright, Zane, can you lead us to the skeleton?” He asks and Zane starts leading and Nya had her blue eyes on her brother. Him shaking in wolf form.  


“Come on, you big baby.” She scoops up the wolf as Jay and Lloyd snicker from behind. 

Cole looks back to Zane. 

“Alright, so where did your crow see this skeleton?” 

|Memory retrieved… .

“At the piers, but by my observation, it's no longer here.” 

“Where is it now, Zane?” Zane looks forward and gives Cole a frown. 

“Didn't Ronin say there was a lycan here?” Nya asks as she carries Kai with Jay. 

“He did, but at the same time humans, they could have grabbed it.” 

“Yeah!” Lloyd grunts out. 

“And do experiments uncovering our very DNA and hunt us all down!” Cole looks at Jay. 

“Seriously?” Kai lifts an ear to the teen. 

“Wel..Well they could, isn't that what the government does with aliens!” Jay shouts and Nya shakes her head. 

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