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Tommy and eddie get in an argument. Words are said and eddie exposed himself and buck.

Buck and eddie had slept together before. It was a means of keeping eachother satisfied. Even though both of them wanted it to be more it never was.

Then Tommy came into their lives and stole buck away. Eddie hated it but he knew buck wouldn't abandon chris so he just waited figuring buck would get bored of him eventually.

One day Tommy to the station and pissing eddie off. He kept stealing buck every time eddie tried to talk to him.

Buck had gone to the bathroom and eddie dicided it was a perfect time to get Tommy to leave.

"You can't just keep him away from me. He is working, you should leave" eddie said knowing it was going to make Tommy annoyed.

Eddie hated watching them, Buck always looked uncomfortable with how commanding Tommy was being.

Eddie knows buck is a golden retriever and tries to please but eddie doesn't like how much buck let's Tommy walk all over him.

"He is my partner you can't tell me what to do" Tommy said and it made eddie mad.

He keeps his cool knowing it won't help him if he is the first to lose his cool. Thankfully he has military experience so he had the advantage.

The one thing that pissed eddie off the most was how he talked about buck. He talked about him as if he was some item he has bought and owned.

Buck wasn't some sort of property, he is a person. "You don't own him" eddie said and Tommy chuckled

"Your just jealous. You don't have a partner after all" Tommy said thinking he would have something on eddie.

Tommy wasnt prepared for eddies answer. Not even eddie himself was ready for it but he doesn't regret it.

"That's why I fucked yours" eddie says with confidence.

Tommy looked red from anger. Eddie could tell he struck a nerve. Eddie smirks and this only seems to piss him off more.

"What are you talking about?" Tommy asked and eddie felt smug as he answered.

"Didn't he tell you? We used to be fuck buddies before you started dating. Honestly I bet you can't even satisfy him. Do you even know what he likes?" Eddie said and Tommy growled.

Eddie knew what was coming next and got ready. He spread his legs slightly making sure he could move easily.

Then tommy swung on him but eddie dodged.  When Tommy went in for another punch eddie grabed his fist.

"Honesly if this is your only solution no wonder you can satisfy him" eddie knows he is just adding fuel to the fire but he wants to fight.

That's gets the response eddie wanted. Tommy pulls back and glares at eddie who stays calm

Then Tommy is swinging at him recklessly. Eddie expertly dodged all his throws before hitting one good time in his liver making Tommy go down.

Tommy gets back up and rushes towards eddie but before he can reach eddie they hear a voice.

"Stop" it was buck. He is back and looking confused.

"What the hell is going on?" Buck asks and eddie smirks but hides it from buck

Tommy sees it and growled. "He told me you fucked before" Tommy says thinking it can't be true

Then he sees the guilty look on bucks face and is pissed. "You have?" Tommy asked pissed

Eddie put himself between buck and Tommy. "I suggest you think twice before trying to hit buck. I'll break every bone in your hand" eddie says protectively.

Tommy growled but didn't try to pass eddie. "Who would you pick? Me or him?" Tommy asked not looking away from eddie.

Buck knows his answer is going to end their relationship but he tells the truth. "Him. Always him and chris" Buck says and Tommy looks shocked

He didn't expect buck to say that. Tommy then storms out of the station. "Sorry" eddie says feeling bad for exposing buck like that.

"Don't be. I wasnt lying. I would chose you and chris over anyone" Buck says and eddie gets closer

"Then why did you never give us a chance?" Eddie says and buck sighs

"I wanted to. I wanted to be a family with you and chris but we kept it hidden so I thought you didn't want that" Buck says looking anywhere but eddie

Eddie gently takes his chin in his hand making buck look at him. Tommy was always rough and demanding but eddie was sweet and respectful.

"Of course I want that buck. I was scared but I should have never told you to go on that date. It's my biggest regret" eddie says honestly and buck smiles

"Maybe we can fix that? I'm like 99% sure we just broke up so I'm officially single." Buck says and eddie just kisses him

They kiss for a few moments before pulling away. "Go out with me?" Eddie asks and buck chuckles

"Of course" Buck says and they kiss again

When they pull apart they are grinning. "I love you" Buck says and Eddie's heart leaps

He had been dying to hear buck say that to him. "Say it again" eddie says and buck wraps his arms around Eddie's shoulders

"I love you" Buck says and eddie holds bucks hips

"I love you too" eddie says and then the bell goes off.

They rush to the car and on the way they hold hands. Nobody says anything about it while they talk like normal.

It felt right, buck felt like he was finally where he belonged. Even if it took eddie exposing them both to get there.

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