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I. Opening Remarks

This chapter will explain a few things that you might expect from the book. It is skippable, but I recommend reading it.

II. Introduction

Hello. Zuko here.

Okay, sit down for a moment, children. Let me tell you a story. Two stories, actually. 

Once upon a time, there was this event way back in Febuary called The Open Novella Contest 2024. And, like what I've been doing for the past three years, I entered the ONC. The book I entered was called To Wish Upon a Fallen Star. You probably haven't heard of it. Bro lasted like three months before I quit.

Oh yeah that part. 

I dropped out of the ONC, mostly due to university and health stuff. I did promise myself I'd return to it later this year. And this time, it would be expanded with no word count limitations for the ONC. 

So now, let's talk about the things I yapped about in the old preface. Specifically, the three main things that inspired this book.

During my unfortunate absence, I've discovered this magical app called, often abbreviated to No I am not telling you what's my history. The only thing I'm telling you is that I've been talking to so much academic rival bots that by the time the ONC rolled around, I decided to write a story about academic rivals.

Secondly, I've always been wanting to write about a hard magic system revolving around celestial bodies. I always write soft magic system with less defined rules. But then I watched The Dragon Prince and fell in love with its magic system. ATLA also made me like their bending system, but The Dragon Prince is my major inspiration for the magic system. 

And also I hate Wish. In the original preface, I didn't explain how Wish is gonna contribute to this book. And I still don't know how it's gonna contribute now. I just hate it. Idk maybe the concept of literal star-crossed lovers being scrapped hurt me more than it should.

So, academic rivalry, hard magic systems, and the spite for Wish. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little ONC entry turned expanded novel. But Author Ace accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concotion.

The Ballad of Sara Berry.

Thus, To Wish Upon a Fallen Star was born!

also theres something about tragedies and tragiromance that should be there idk i forgot where to put it lol

III. Warnings

As of now, I can't think of any warnings this book has.

i promised myself id write one (1) book without swearing so i cant even add that

If a chapter does end up having warnings, I'll add a warning before the chapter. If it becomes a continuous theme, I will update the warnings tab here.

Also, not exactly a warning, but TWUaFS, or as I always call it, Wish, uses Filipino words. Translations will be provided either before or after the chapter, depending on how commonly occurring it is. I might add a glossary someday, perhaps after the first act.

Also, please consider three things: English is not my first language, I edit at 2AM, and this is still kind of in its first drafts.

Actually at this point I should say I edit at 3AM. Man, past Ace used to sleep at 2AM latest??? What a loser (she has a better sleep schedule than me)

IV. Credits

Everything here is owned by me unless stated otherwise. This includes the cover, part dividers, character artworks, plot, etc.. I do not allow my artworks being reposted anywhere else, especially without my permission or knowledge.

V. Closing Remarks

And that is everything I'm legally allowed to say! Thank you all for clicking on To Wish Upon a Fallen Star, and I hope you all enjoy the story!

~ Ace O. Spades

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