Chapter 23 [Mix feelings]

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Tessia Eralith POV

The night was cloudy, a little colder than normal and much more quieter. Behind the soft clouds, a half-moon was hiding, reflecting it's light from the far, far away sun, down here on our lands. So big, so special and so fascinating and yet so far away from me. Watching the moon, together with the countless little dots that also spark, - the stars, it didn't look like a big deal for any normal people. In my case however, it represented something else, something meaningful, that manages to get my attention and focus for hours and hours.

"Tee hee, cute. *hic*" I said tipsy, my cheeks all red, eyes wavering in my orbits, my voice intoxicated from all the alcohol I drank back at the party. What party, you may asked? Well, let's take the things from the beginning, in small steps cause my head couldn't handle too much info at the moment.

So I, Tessia Eraltih, am the elven princess of Eleanoir, and at the same time, the Student Council President. Actually, from this day, was the Student Council President. Since my first day when I enrolled in this academy, I assumed the position Grandpa Cynthia offer me, a position new implemented who would mark a new era for the academy, being the first generation of students from all three kingdoms and races, who would learn, train and live together for the duration of schooling. Since that day, the Student Council changed from year to year, but I managed to remain the President for a long time, due to my great image among the students and the support I received from the professors and many more.

I was until this year. With maybe 2 or 3 years left to learn here, something inside me changed. I felt that I missed so much, because of my position, being constantly in meetings, having a ton of responsibilities and chores to fulfil. It was hard, very hard. Imagine waking up from your sleep and instead of asking what you should eat for the breakfast, how you should dress for the courses, what places you would like to visit with your friends and colleagues, my mornings were on fast track, the only thought inside my head at that time was: What do I have to do for today.

With all my perseverance and will power, the fatigue build over the time and eventually, I had enough. The news of retreating from the position shook the academy. Everyone was stunned by my actions, from normal students, friends and dear ones, like Granny Cynthia and my family. Since I assumed the position for so many years and continued until now, everyone started to accommodate with the idea of remaining President until the graduating ceremony. Some students even gave me nickname, the 'Eternal President and Leader'. On spot, but cringy.

Back to the subject, I had made my mind about the decision, and so the SC elections had began. Many students wanted to become the President, starting in force with strong promotive campaigns. Many of them, resumed to bribe even the opinions of some professors and high-officials of the academy, such as admins. There were some rare occasions in which I was requested to say something good about them, in order to boost their popularity and credibility. I looked at each and one of them puzzled. What was all this charm behind being the President? Why someone would go to such lengths? Sure, the position comes with its rewards, but if I could go back in time and choose to attend Xyrus as a regular or once more as the President, I would say regular, over and over.

However, once she announced would candidate for the position, I knew that no matter how hard everyone would unite against her, the results were already set. Once I heard Kathlyn Glayder wanted to become the new Student Council President, I knew that no matter what, she would have won by a staggering margin. Need I to continue elaborating?

Kathlyn left anyone behind her, in terms of votes and popularity by kilometers. If you ask me, all those debates between candidates and so on, were merely formalities and followed for the sake of protocol. No one was surprise that she won by more than 70% over every single individual and team candidates. In her honour and for all the work done, Kathlyn decided to organize a celebrating party, were she would invite her dear friends who support her and her team.

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