chapter thirty-two

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ANGELA laughed and spit out her water as courtney did a bit in front her her. the bit was silly and kind of awkward, making angela laugh at courtney's reaction to their own poorly planned bit falling flat.

"get outta here!" angela chuckled. courtney rushed off behind angela and behind the white divider.

"you ready?" courtney asked kennedy quietly.

kennedy smiled, prepared for her bit that wasn't even going to make it into the video. "yep."

courtney grinned at the girl and kennedy walked out once alex aguilar finished mopping the floor in front of angela.

"hi ang." kennedy said sweetly. a few noises came from angela that sort of sounded like 'hi ken' through the water in her mouth.

kennedy walked over the the edge of the try not to laugh set and grabbed the presentation she had prepared that was sitting on a stand.

dragging it over, angela was confused by the big blank paper looking back at her.

"i bet you're thinking, 'kennedy, you already did a bit this round, why are you back?'" kennedy began. "well, ang, as you know, valentine's day is tomorrow." she continued, a smile growing on angela's face.

"i decided to make a presentation on..." kennedy ripped away at the first paper and it flew to the floor revealing large words in kennedy's handwriting. "why you should be my valentine."

angela spit out some water, chuckling at how the paper fell to the ground and how surprised she was at kennedy's bit.

"reason number one: you are pretty." kennedy ripped the paper down with dramatic effect to reveal a poorly drawn picture of angela labled 'you' and 'pretty'.

laugher was heard from surrounding cast and crew members and angela spit out the remaining water in her mouth.

"number two: you make me laugh." the next piece of paper said 'say something funny.'

kennedy pointed to the words and angela laughed. "i don't kn-"

kennedy cut off angela with obnoxious fake laughter with the most nonchalant look on her face.

angela bent over on the stool, laughing at kennedy. kennedy cracked a small smile due to the booming laughter in the room.

"and last but not least," kennedy began. "i love you." she said, tearing down the previous page. the paper next to her said 'i love you' in large letters, decorated with pink and red hearts scattered around.

"aww!" angela exclaimed as sweet sounding murmurs were sounding from the cast and crew.

"so, ang, what do you say?" kennedy asked. "will you be my valentine?"

angela was smiling so hard her cheeks were beginning to hurt. "i would love to be your valentine." she hopped of the stool and embraced kennedy in a large hug. as they hugged, kennedy kissed angela's cheek leaving a faint glossy lip stain behind.

like she was asked to do so before they began filming, amanda came up to the couple holding a large box of chocolates. once they pulled away from the hug, kennedy grabbed the chocolates and handed them to angela.

"so, tomorrow, you and me and a nice date?" kennedy asked, holding one of angela's hand.

angela smiled, shaking her head in minor disbelief of what just happened. "i wouldn't miss it."


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