Gemini is a sociable and warm individual who is well-liked for his friendly nature. He falls in love with Fourth, a reserved and quiet student known for his intelligence and physical strength, but who struggles with insecurity and meeting others' expectations. Gemini vows to be Fourth's safe haven—a place where he can be himself without fear or pretense.
What if Gemini can't break through Fourth's thick emotional wall? What if Fourth never lets him in and the promise of being a safe place remains unfulfilled?
Hello! I'm back with another story. Did I say it would take time for the next one? Let's forget about that because I can't go a day without cooking up new ideas. Here's a quick reminder before we dive in:
>> Updates might be a bit slow, but I'll do my best to post frequently.
>> There will be lots of photos in this story (if you've read my first one, you know how much I love adding pictures—this time, there'll be even more!).
>>Please ignore any timestamps, grammar, or errors.
>>This is all pure fiction, straight from my imagination. Any similarities are purely coincidental.
Please show this story lots of love, and I'd really appreciate it if you interact with me more! Jubjub!
safe place [gemfot]
Romancewhat if a confident and sociable gemini falling in love with an insecure fourth who maintains a protective emotional barrier