Chapter Seven

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Authors Note—
Trigger Warning for disturbing imagery

Hello my angels! I love you and hope you're taking good care of yourself :)

If someone would've told Mia 6 months ago, she'd be in Marjorie's car with their hands desperately holding onto each other. She wouldn't have believed them, but here she was, trying to grasp what could have happened to her sweet Charlotte. She finally had someone who she counted on to stay for her, someone she wasn't afraid of leaving but now she realized she should've been most fearful for. She couldn't gather herself enough to shut off her mind and start hoping for the best, willing her love to live.

She couldn't lose her too. She had lost  many people and she had learned to forgive them, but not this time. She'd never forgive the universe for taking away Charlotte in the midst of her anger, without Mia getting to explain herself. She hadn't gotten to love her the way she wanted to yet, and she'd curse the world if Charlotte had to leave without knowing she was her one true love.

There had been many nights of Charlotte's life that she cried out to God, begging him to take her away. This time it was different, she was pleading with him to let her stay. She wasn't ready, she couldn't let Nick be the reason she left. She wanted to stay for Mia.

She had to stay for her family.

Even if she wasn't sure how long she could hold on, the overwhelming sounds from around her filling her ears and causing her to wince, she was going to try. Reecey had come for her and held her close, his hands on her face and whispering sweet nothings to her. She was so thankful for him and glad it was him, holding her hand and keeping her safe.

Charlotte was not conscious on the way to the hospital, but she could feel his presence and warmth, she didn't have to be afraid anymore. She never had to fear another man because she had Reece by her side, and when she made it out alive, she couldn't wait to cradle him close.

Tell him how much she loved him and was grateful he was willing to comfort her in the darkest moments of her life, she could hear his gasps as they addressed her wounds and took her out of the ambulance.

For a moment, he was cowardly and not sure if he could follow her into the hospital. He needed a second to gather himself before watching his best friend fight for her life and hopefully succeed. He couldn't bring himself to walk into the room, looming outside the door and praying for the first time in his life.

Praying to God and hoping he heard him, pleading with him to give Charlotte a second chance.

Things were looking grim and he felt tears running down his face, seeing how lifeless she already looked. Was she even herself anymore? Was that the Charlotte he had come to love and protect or just a body, no soul to be found. He kept hoping though, he couldn't give up on her as well.

She had to be okay.


Mia stood at the end of the hallway, Marjorie holding her up, her eyes were bloodshot and she couldn't pull it together. Reece looked between Charlotte's helpless body and Mia, the girl he once protected alongside Autumn, before walking as quickly as he could to her.

Wrapping his arms around her, knowing he wasn't holding Mia, the 38 year old, but the little girl whose father left her behind.
Marjorie watched, in horror, at the way Mia thrashed in his arms and was shouting about Charlotte.

How could this happen to her sweetheart? Why hadn't she listened to Renee and checked in on her? Why hadn't she stayed and picked her up from work? Why hadn't someone gotten there sooner?

Trying to push the blame onto herself, even though the only person who should have responsibility is THAT monster of a man.

"H-How could this happen? To my Charlotte?"

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