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Ok so this was going to only be the last two chapters, but I thought I'd write one more even though I'm not on the sodapack grind anymore💪💪

Just so you guys get more food❤️
Bryce realizes his feelings with the help of Amelia.

that's basically it

Ok I'm done yapping‼️


Bryce slid down the bathroom door. He put his head in his hands. Whatever he is feeling right now, he doesn't like it. Liam had left for work at his new job, and Bryce isn't working today. He had the day to ponder.

Why did he feel this way towards Liam?

He's never felt this way with anyone before. What's so different about Liam? He wished he knew. Maybe it was his face? Yeah it's his face. It's so stupid. It's so... Happy. And optimistic. And so bright. HE'S so bright. Too bright.

And too beautiful.


Wait, what?


Amelia stood at the kitchen counter, looking at a recipe book. Ever since her and Charlotte moved in together, Amelia insisted on cooking. She didn't trust Charlotte with cooking while she's in the state she's in. She needs to rest. Amelia didn't mind taking care of her, anyways.

She snapped back to reality when she heard her phone ring.

She picked it up to see Bryce calling. "I thought he wasn't working today? Never thought he could be a morning person." She mumbled to herself.

She accepted the call. Bryce blurted out, "AMELIA I THINK LIAM IS BEAUTIFUL WHAT DO I DO??"

Amelia took a second to process that. She then giggled to herself. "What?" She asked in a confused manner. "I think Liam is pretty, and I've never thought about someone like this before. Or felt like this before." Amelia was intrigued. "Felt like what?"

"Well, I don't know. I feel really warm and I can't look him in the eyes. I think about him so much more now, it's driving me crazy."

Amelia laughed at the other's obliviousness. "What's so funny?" Bryce asked. "Bryce, I think you're describing being in love."




Amelia laughed as she could practically hear the other's realization through the phone. "I.. didn't think about that being a possibility."

"It's okay! I've been oblivious to being in love before too." Amelia told him.

"Sooo, when are you gonna confess?"



This was so fun to write honestly

This is probably my favorite one too-

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