7. Morning Glory

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"In a world such as this one, not much is impossible!" The director started his lecture with his usual statement. "However, with a recent development in our student population-" He shot a quick and neutral glance towards the Fallens who were sitting quietly in a corner, listening attentively to what he had to say. "My beloved saying, might not be so true.." Some Angels laughed to themselves, others gasped, most didn't care. The Fallens' attitude towards him went sour.

"But, it's not true in the way you may think!" The room silenced itself and the buzzing air went stiff with anticipation. "It's not true because now, what everyone thought was impossible is taking it's first steps to being completely possible!" He clapped his hands, smiling as his wings unfurled and extended to their fullest extent. A common sight among excited Angels.

As he continued with whatever lesson on economics or how a government can properly care for it's people, our lovely group of Fallens had a small conversation amongst themselves. 

"Psst, hey, Russia.!" Japan whispered, nudging the Angel with her elbow. "What?" He shifted his gaze towards her, staring her dead in the eyes form the corner of his. "How's Ame doing? Any better?" She asked on behalf of everyone there, they all looked to him with nervous anticipation in their eyes. 

"He's recovering much faster than expected. Last night when was I checking on him, he was up and sorta walking around." Russia's mood had lifted a bit while talking about the other, and it pretty obviously showed. Everyone in that group, China and New Zealand included, had become hyper-attentive to his facial expressions. "What do you mean 'sorta walking around'?" Bhutan asked, tilting his head to the side in a manner similar to that of a confused puppy. 

"Mmm, he's very uncoordinated when injured... Like a deer taking it's first steps." Russia rested his head on his left hand, using his right to illustrate a clip of America stumbling around and leaning onto people and things with condensed light. 

"I'm glad he's doing better but holy crap he looks like an idiot.!" Germany had to cover his mouth to keep from laughing his eyes out. Though his shoulders were still shaking and Japan wasn't helping by occasionally elbowing his ribs as she laughed with no air in her lungs. 

An uncoordinated America is rather entertaining after all.

Just like the past few nights, Russia was on his way to check up on and build trust with the injured and hospitalized American. The same American who is absolutely infuriated with the fact that he's been in the hospital for more than a few hours.  

Although America was beginning to trust the Russian, it's going to take much longer than Russia thought for America to actually trust him even a fraction the amount he trusts Dixie. 

With a light push, the door slid open and the smell of chemically cleaned air wafted out. "Evening Russia!" FBI had been watching America and monitoring his condition whenever WHO was out doing whatever it is the they do when they're not here. Nobody actually knows what they do when they're out. Well, CIA might, everyone's pretty sure those two are secretly dating. 

"Evening sir. Is America awake?" Russia cautiously stepped forward, knowing that spooking America could easily crumble an already frail bond. He learned this by studying the American often paranoid and skittish demeanor when left alone or without comfort objects/people for too long. "Yeah, he's up, not in a good mood though.." Russia furrowed his brows in confusion, what could've made America anything but spiteful and/or anxious? "We just found out he can't swallow pills, so it's liquid pain killers for him."

"And you only have the ones that give you a stomach ache?" FBI nodded and then explained that that's the reason for WHO's absence. If they have a patient who can't swallow pills and they don't have any good liquid medicines, they're not going to come back empty handed. 

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