Togemon in Toy Town

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3rd Person POV
The digidestined and their Digimon continued to walk on one side of the sewer.

"Okay. Let's sing that song Agumon wrote for us," Tai said.

"Digimon eat and Digimon fight, Digimon digivolve and fight all night," the Digimon sang as they all walked.

"This is so fun," Palmon said.

"Now, do a solo performance for us, Mimi," Agumon said.

"Mimi?" everyone said in unison, believing Mimi isn't good at singing.

"Really? Her? Singing?" Matt said.

"Oh, boy," Joe said.

"Oh, give me a home, where the buffalo roam..." Mimi sang, though she was a bit off key.

"Not listening," Joe said.

"Rude. I've been practicing singing for 3 years," Mimi said.

"Really? How'd it go?" TK asked.

"Judging by the way you tried, I bet it was difficult," Maki said.

"Mimi. I think you should reconsider your path at this point," Izzy said.

"How about we all sing together?" Sora said.

"Cool. Let's go," Tai said before he and the others sang together as they walked. Then, a water droplet splashed on Sora, making her scream. This made Reika flinch.

"What's up, Sora?" Tai asked.

"That scared me," Reika said.

"A water drop fell from up there," Sora said, pointing at the pipes above.

"So, that scared you?" Izzy asked.

"No... Well, back at home, I usually sing while doing the cleaning. Even when I'm doing laundry. I sing loudly because no one else hears it afterward," Sora said.

"It's fine if you miss your home, Sora," Agumon said before turning to his partner. "Do you miss anything, Tai?"

"I miss playing sports and taking a bath after that," Tai said.

"How about you, Reika?" Agumon asked.

"Me? Well... I miss playing the piano and singing songs with my parents," Reika said.

"Well, I miss cooking dinner with my little siblings," Maki said.

"I miss playing video games with Matt. I won't lose to him next time," TK said.

"You? Beat me? In your dreams," Matt said before laughing.

"Do you miss anything, Matt?" Agumon asked.

"Anyway, I usually dream of mom making grilled steaks on a Sunday. I miss it," he said.

"Me? I miss doing homework. If I end up missing anybody assignments, I'll miss my chance on going to junior college," Joe said.

"I'm not a fan of school. I miss going on vacation. Oh, with a nice cold drink by the ocean," Mimi said.

"Hey, that sounds pretty fun," TK said.

"You bet it is," Mimi said.

"I miss using satellites to look at the stars and other planets," Izzy said.

"I guess they really do come from another world," Agumon said.

"No wonder they're so sad. I can't blame them, though," Gabumon said.

"Poor kids," Gomamon said.

"Now, I feel bad," Coronamon said.

"Me, too," Lunamon said.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16 ⏰

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