Andy Fisher
short blond hair
loves his family and dogs
I woke up to the smell of pancakes since I knew my mom loved making them for me.
I got out of bed, brushed my teeth and then got dressed I put on a plain gray T shirt,some grayish jeans and then just some old boots I got from my dad for one of my birthdays.
After I got dressed I made my bed and then made my way downstairs.
I am greeted by my dog Sunny he was a golden retriever and I loved him. I always loved dogs and begged my mom to get me one since I was a kid and a few years ago I finally convinced her.
I pet him and he licked my face. I just laughed and then made my way to the kitchen where my mom greeted me "good morning honey how did you sleep?" she asked me and I just smiled taking the orange juice out of the fridge and said "pretty good".
She put some pancakes in front of me and I thanked her and quickly ate them so I wouldn't be late to school. "I have my book club late tonight so I won't be home" my mom said and I just nodded.
I finished breakfast, said goodbye to my mom and walked out the door to my car that my mom got me this summer.
I started the car and started driving to school. I live about twenty minutes away from the school so it didn't take me long to get there.
When I got to school I got greeted by my best friend Max. "hey man you sure took your time" he said and I just playfully punched his arm and we started walking to class.
I had Math and Max had English. I got to my class first so we said our goodbyes and I walked into class where some of those "popular" girls gave me their unwanted attention.
"Hey Andy you look nice today maybe we can hang out sometime" one of the girls said. I just smiled and took my seat.
I turned around and saw this girl in the back of the class she was wearing this adorable teddy bear dress and a brown headband.
I was thinking maybe she was an age regressor and if she was maybe she can be mine since i'm a caregiver.
You see I am a caregiver because I love taking care of others and treating them with respect the way everyone deserves.
I was knocked out of my thoughts when the teacher Mrs. Winters came in and handed out the assignment she wanted us to do.
I started on it since I was pretty good at math.
I was almost done when the bell rang signalling that it was time for the next class. I put my assignment in my backpack and headed off toward the next class.
While I was walking I heard someone yelling down the hall. Out of curiosity I decided to check it out and what I saw made my blood boil. Those popular girls were picking on the girl from the back of the class and she looked afraid so I decided to step in.
"HEY LEAVE HER ALONE" I said walking up to the group.

Good Little Life
Teen FictionSo this is my first story and it is about a girl who is 16 years old and her name is Anne. She has had a hard life with her parents always fighting leading to divorce and taking it out on her. Also at school she has a tough time because she's on the...