The Next Morning...
Rylee: "Wake up." She pokes me and my eyes open. The sun blinds me and I turn over. "God damn... and nah, it's..." I check the time.
It's barely 7:47 am.
"Yeah- I'm good. It doesn't start til 9 *Yawn*" Rylee: "Alright then... You asked for it."
Vee then hops off my bed. "Whatever-" I lay back down. Rylee: "PIKACHU USE THUNDER--" "NO, NO, NO, NO!!! IM AWAKE--"
I quickly get up but even after trying to stop Rylee, Pikachu sends a Thunderbolt at me.
After getting shocked, I sit still. "Like old times, huh?" Rylee chuckles. Rylee: "Yup."
"So why exactly did you wake me up?"
Rylee: "Well, one, everyone already is training outside." I grunt. "Fuck." Rylee: "and Two, wanna go get something to eat? I haven't eaten yet today."
I shrug. "Sure. Lets just feed our Pokemon first." Rylee smiles. Rylee: "Alright." Rylee then takes our Pokeballs, and bowls before heading for the door. Rylee: "Can you get the Pokefood?"
"Yeah... sure." I get up and she waits at the door as I pick up the bag and walk out, her behind me.
We end up outside and we feed our Pokemon together. Us waiting nearby until they are done.
Damn it... our battle is really soon. I should get training. I feel like I have been slacking off a bit-
Rylee: "So what do you wanna eat?" I shrug. "Eh- I don't really care what, to be honest."
"Food is food." Rylee sighs in disappointment. Rylee: "Alright. I guess that means I choose." I nod.
I then stretch my arms and turn to my pokemon. Rylee: "... You're about to train?" I smile. "You know it."
Rylee: "But we were about to eat." I shrug. "Now that I thought about it, I was not all that hungry."
"What I am hungry for are some intense Pokemon battles." Rylee sighs. Rylee: "You sure?" "Yeah. I'll be fine." Vee then runs to me and hops onto my shoulder, done with her food and ready for battle.
"See? Vee's on board with me. She is ready for some good training." Vee then gives a happy cry and nods.
Rylee: "Hmph! Suit yourself." Rylee turns around and then walks to her Pokemon who are still eating.
Scar stands up and flashes a smile at me. "Oh. You done too?" Scar nods. "Alright. Then lets get started. Scar vs Vee." Vee then hops off my shoulder and with Scar, she heads away from the others to a open spot.
"Lets do this! Vee use Quick Attack!" Vee then charges forward swiftly and Scar does the same. Scar then uses Double Team and Quick Attack Misses.
Scar then uses it's opportunity and uses Swords Dance, raising its attack Sharply while Vee continues to miss them. Eventually Vee hits Scar, but she gets hit by counter and flies back.
She lands on her feet and skids on the ground, dust flying up before her. Scar leaps forward and goes for a Fury cutter but Vee jumps back.
"Good Job! Vee, now use Rain Dance!" Vee gives a cry and rain clouds appear slowly above us. Scar lands Fury Cutter this time and jumps back.
"Vee, use Buzzy Buzz!" Rain then splatters onto the floor and quickly makes puddles across the battle. Vee shoots the Buzzy Buzz and Scar jumps away. It then lands in water and Buzzy Buzz travels through and hits Scar.
Scar then escapes Buzzy Buzz and tries to fly in the air. "Now Quick Attack!" Vee uses Quick Attack and quickly gets to Scar. Scar uses Double Team again and Vee misses.
"Vee, use Helping Hand!" Vee then chants and cheers for Scar. Scar's actual body then glows, showing us which one of Scar was real. Vee then uses Quick Attack and gets a hit in, Scar sliding back.
"That's it! Now use Quick Attack again!" Vee runs forward and Scar readys Counter, prepared for impact. "Now Buzzy Buzz!" Electricity statics in Vee's fur and as soon as Scar gets hit, it gets shocked along with Vee, who smiles as Scar stumbles backwards.
Scar is now Paralyzed.
"Good Job Vee!" Vee turns to me happy. Scar gets up and uses Fury attack, landing a hit in Vee. "Now Quick Attack! Circle him!" Vee runs in a circle, staying at bay from Scar.
Scar uses Swords Dance. "Buzzy Buzz!" Vee then skids to a hault and uses Buzzy Buzz, hitting it while it raises its attack stat sharply.
"Now Quick Attack!" Vee charges forward and Scar prepares with Counter. But it get Paralyzed and it's Attack fails. Vee then attacks Scar and Scar falls back, fainting.
"Vee... you did it!" Vee happily runs and jumps to me. Scar gets up weakly and glares at me and Vee.
"Ah... that's right. You don't like losing sometimes. I'll make it up to you though. I promise." Scar walks over and nods. My other Pokemon then appear from behind me, eager to battle as well. "I guess you guys are ready too then."
"Alright then! Let's give it our all!"
My pokemon give a happy cry and I return Scar. "I can't lose to Rylee. Not at all."

Ethan's Pokemon Journey!
FantasyFinally! It's the day, 10 year old Ethan had dreamed of since he was a little kid. He finally gets to become a Pokemon Trainer! Thinking that his journey will be easy, he sets off to explore the Kanto Region. But he soon realizes the harsh reality o...