⇁ Chapter 12 ↽

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Truth Be Told

Alya's POV

Krel, Aja and I sat on the couch in their living room. Aja and Krel were in human forms and as Stuart told them about other planets to seek refuge on, Krel played with the guitar. 

"Baluba. If ya can't head home till your parents regenerate, you might as well enjoy the happiest horvath in 9 galaxies, but go easy on the barium iced teas. Trust me. Or you could check out Pooplorth. Don't let the name fool you. White sandy beaches, crystal lakes, but freezing! Pack a parka." Stuart informs. "Them there's always Durio, home of moi! It's like Canada but built on a nuclear waste site, so everything glows and smells." He picks up another panphlet. "Finally, Earth. Sure, it's class-D, but can you name another planet with a Stuart?" I glance at him and he quickly adds. "And an Alya?" 

"Plus, you guys are already here." I add, though not as excitedly as Stuart.

Krel groans. "Stuart..." Luug jumped onto Aja's lap. 

"I know, I know, but with your Daxial Array working, you want to get going. But I just want to give you a few pointers." Stuart said. I look over at them but then look at my hands, not wanting to make eye contact with Krel. 

"We're not leaving right now." Aja says, "The ship takes time to recharge." My royal is being vague to protect your emotional state, as well as young Alya's. But we will be ready to launch in 48 horvaths.  Mother said. My eyes widen. 

I glance at them. "Isn't 'horvath' your way of saying 'hours'?" 

"Yes," Krel mutters. Stuart gasps. 

"That's hardly any time at all! Mother!" Stuart complains. Mother tells it like it is. Mother says. 

I raise an eyebrow. "That's not always a good thing, Mother." 

"Why do you guys have to move?" Stuart asks the twins. 

"It's too dangerous to stay on the mud ball." Vex tells us. "The Zeron Brotherhood and that Birdie woman found us. Seklos knows what hunter will come next." 

"So, we need a new planet to hide out on until Mama and Papa wake up." Aja answers. 

Stuart sighs. "Then might I suggest Nuobus? It's got a killer music scene, advanced tech and some of the best Skelteg gambling in this star system." He got excited again at the end. "I'm looking at you Aja." 

Krel snatched the brochure from Stuart's hand. "Why didn't you tell us that sooner?" 

"Wait let me see." Aja and Krel fought over the brochure paper. I laughed at their antics in order to hide my own breaking heart. I stood up and wiped my eyes, not seeing Stuart notice them. 

"I'm going home." I say, leaving the Mothership and going home.

Time skip to at that burrito place

I walk into the restaurant and see Krel spying on Steve and Aja. he waves at me to come over. I sit across from him. 

"Hey." I say. He shushes me. 

"Aja's going to tell Steve that we're akiridions!" he whisper-shouts. 

"Oh." I manage. "Shouldn't he know if you're leaving in two days?" 

"No. I don't like him that much." Krel admits. 

"Well, what if it were me?" I ask. 


"What if I didn't know, and you were leaving? Would you say goodbye?" I ask again, forcing back my tears. 

"Yes." He hesitates, considering his answer. 

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