As I woke up next day and yawned then I rubbed my eyes as I got ready to go down I opened the drawer where I put my letter to Hiccup then I go down to eat breakfast as I go down and saw my father and mother hurriedly leaving. Then I asked "what's going on" then my mother said "Trader Johann is here and I need something from him." Trader Johann yes him he bring some cool stuff and some stories around the Archipelago then I said to my father and mother "I am going to the forest to train after eating breakfast. It's been a while since I had my Axe training." As my father nod then he and my mother left then I sat at the dining table to eat breakfast then after the few minutes I finished it. Then took my axe and left towards the forest with the letter in hand.
After the few minutes I am at the cove then called that terror by her name "Sneaky!!!" Then after few seconds later that blue terrible terror came to me as I patted his head as she moaned with the touch. Then I picked her up and bind my letter to her leg and said "Okay Sneaky please give this letter to Hiccup" then she flew towards the sky as I sighed and thought 'I hope it works.'
I woke up the next day doing the usual routine and as I am waiting for Snotlout I prepared books to for him to learn then a second later the door Bursts open and I saw Snotlout and he told me "Chief me and the other vikings saw a ship came to the port and it's Trader Johann" as I got up from the chair and he continues "Could we take a break from the training." And I sighed because when Johann comes he brings some stories and some highly refined goods that could help the village. Then I said " okay.... but Snotlout do not cause trouble for him." As he excitedly nodded and ran towards the docks and I thought 'maybe I should go as well. maybe I should find something interesting' as I walked towards the opened door which was open by Snotlout and closed behind me and I left to the docks.
After the few minutes later I am at the docks and saw many people are around him as I saw Snotlout, Fishlegs and the twins but not Astrid and I thought 'Where is she' then I saw her parents as well looking for something but I shrugged it off then Johann told us a story "There was I going to the Northern Markets I saw a person small like a twig I couldn't see his face..... but after that I saw something horrifying. That little boy was calling someone I thought it was his father or mother but then I saw something big it was night at that time and when that thing got closer to the boy I saw a dragon...." as everyone shocked what Johann has said and he continues "....I thought that dragon is gonna kill that boy but I saw the boy patting that dragon like that dragon is his pet as I got closer. I made a sound by stepping on a branch then they both ran and disappear in the night.... but next day I heard from the Dragon Hunters say his name they call him the Dragon Master" they were bewildered and where Johann continues "...and then I asked one of the hunters who is he and where is he came from and he said nobody knows he came out of nowhere and some said he was the one who stopped the raids that has been going on in the Archipelago..." as they gasped and I asked Johann "Johann are you sure." And he said "Yes he is the one who saved everyone..... and also the hunter Said that the boy rode that dragon that I was telling you about which he was friends with. They told me that dragon was as black as night and nobody have seen that dragon before."
Then Fishlegs asked worriedly "Why they call him the Dragon Master..." then Johann said "They call him that because some of the hunters saw him talking to them and even the dragons helped him" as I am shocked to hear what he have said but the dragon black as night which only one dragon fits the discription. Then I asked Johann "Johann what if it is a night fury because only that dragon that fits the description." Then he said "It could be....but some people say it's a whispering death, some say its hobblegrunt. Nobody knows what kind of dragon that is because nobody had seen that dragon before." As I saw everyone shocked and bewildered then I nod and left to work but everyone stayed there in shock and I thought that 'if he was the one who stopped those raids than I am thankful for him...but if he was riding the dragon which officially fits the description of the Night Fury than I am not gonna spare it even if the Dragon Master got in the way as well.' As I left to work still thinking what Johann have said.
When I sent the letter to Hiccup I got back in the forest and started training its been hours and I am still throwing my axe into the tree again then I got tired. Then I took my axe and left the forest after the few minutes I was out of the forest and to the village then I saw the my friends are coming from the docks and I greeted them "Hi guys....what you are up to" and then Snotlout said "oh..... nothing just came from Trader Johann and now he is at the Mead Hall" as I glared at him he whimpered as a shut up then I sighed then Fishlegs spoke "But we got a story from him that was actually kind of scary." Then Tuffnut spoke "Scary means awesome" and then Ruffnut "Yeah it was a cool story some were even shocked."
I asked "what kind of Story?" Then Fishlegs said "It was off a boy riding a dragon." I am shocked what he just said then he continues "They call him the Dragon Master he said there was a boy riding a dragon who was black as night and the Dragon Hunters are scared of him because they think he is the devil or a ghost. They even said he is the one who stopped the raids..." I got shocked again because only Hiccup and Toothless fits that Discription then Tuffnut spoke "That's why we are going to the Mead Hall to ask Johann about more of it as Ruffnut nod then they ran to the Mead Hall followed by Fishlegs and Snotlout. As I smiled and thought 'Oh... Hiccup you just made a name for yourself huh which means you are doing wonders out there' as I look up to the sky to feel the warmth of the sun.
Then the day goes normally as usuall except for Johann stories which intrigued almost everyone in the village then after few hours later he left for another voyage but for as I said day got normally as usual. Then after eating dinner at the Mead Hall I left to go home and when I reach to my room I saw something is flapping at my window as I got closer I saw the blue Terrible Terror then I called her "Sneaky...." then I grabbed her and saw a letter strapped to her leg as I unstrapped that letter and patted Sneaky as she cooned then she left to the forest and I sat down and open that letter and read it.
Hello Astrid,I read your letter and I know that it must be very difficult time for you because of the engagement. but as you wrote that your father is rejecting that proposal coming from the Jorgensons. I felt relieved because I know that you want me there to be with you everyday but I can't. but I promise you this when the time comes I will come and get you. no matter if the whole village will trying to kill me.
(And if the Jorgensons forced you to marry Snotlout then I am really coming to kidnap you.)
Your Promised
_________________As I read the letter I felt relieved that he is safe and sound which means he is doing wonders around the Archipelago. I hope I will meet him again when the time is right as I put that letter inside my drawer to hide it then I looked at the starry skies by remembering him.

HTTYD Runaways
FanfictionIts where Hiccup runaway from berk with Toothless fearing no one cares what he told them but before running away Astrid caught him and showed her the truth of the dragons. After that Astrid wants to go with him but Hiccup rejects her but they made a...