⇀ Chapter 1 ↽

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The New Kids

Alya's POV

Toby and I had just gotten our burritos from Stuart the taco man. We saw a platinum blonde girl in a red plaid dress, black capris and red high tops about to eat the Diablo Maximus breakfast burrito. 

"Careful." I warned her.  "The Diablo Maximus is not for the faint of heart." 

"Mere humans can't stand one or two bites before..." Toby then gawked at how swiftly the blonde ate the burrito without a single reaction to the heat. My mouth fell open.

"That was lively, I'm going to go ask for another one." The girl claimed. 

"A second one!" Toby and I gaped. 

A Latino and an older man came up to Toby and me. "You seem to know a lot about this planet." The Latino said. 

"Are you one of its rulers?" The elder asked. rulers? planet? 

"Eh, I do kind of rule." Toby fixed his shirt. "I am technically a duke. The name's Toby. Duke Toby if your fancy." 

"Which I am not." I said. "I'm Alya." I held my hand out to the Latino boy, he looked about 15, my age. His hair was shaggy and in a slight mullet, he had brown eyes and darker skin than I do, but I didn't care. he wore a blue shirt with darker blue pants and white sneakers. He looked at me like I just grew a second set of arms. I let my hand drop awkwardly. 

"Tell me," Latino said, "Do you know where I can find a Daxial Array?" 

"Dexielray?" Toby guessed. "Is that a band?" 

"You can find that at the record store." I said, pointing them in the direction of the record store. "Come on Tobs, let's get to school." I grabbed my bag and walked into the direction of the academic prison. 

I was in Ms. Janeth's math class when the two kids from the taco truck came in and were given seats. Blondie sat next to me and Latino sat in front of her. They spoke to each other quietly before Latino announced: "I have a question!" 

"Then raise your hand." Ms. Janeth said. 

"Which one?" He asked. 

"Either will do." 

The boy raised both of them. "Back home I have four of them." He said to his sister. But I raised an eyebrow. 

"Do you have a question, Mr. Tarron?" Ms. Janeth asked. Tarron. That's his last name. Then what's his first?

"Do you have a Daxial Array?" He asked. 

"We're talking about triangles." Ms. Janeth said sternly. 

"Hardly, you forgot to account for the triangle's area when applied to the fourth dimension." He stood and took the marker from Ms. Janeth. He walked to the whiteboard and wrote in symbols I did not understand. He drew a newer model of a triangle and smirked. 

"Now strange woman, can you lead us to a Daxial Array." Tarron tossed the marker back to Ms. Janeth. 

Our next period was PE. But, I sadly still had a doctors note from when I had my concussion four or five weeks ago. I don't remember. The Tarron siblings were arguing with the PE teacher as the blonde one, whose name I learned was Aja, swung from rope to rope. 

I opened my locker to get out my notebooks when I heard the new boy, whose name I discovered to be Krel, yelled in outrage. I listened to what he was saying. 

"AAAAAAAHH!!! A Daxial Array is not a band! It is a critical piece of technology." 

"Chill dude," The kid Krel yelled at spoke, "If it's tech, the science lab will have it." Krel raced over and grabbed Eli Pepperjack, who yelped as Aja grabbed his shoulders. 

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