Chapter 7

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Chapter Song: Bitch Came Back- Theory Of A Deadman

Monday- Afternoon



"Come on, Dale!" I yell with enough pride in my voice to echo through the cheering crowd gathered around this adorable chubby young Asian guy who is shoving three donuts down, "Two more, Dale!"

I raise my arms to cheer with everyone else, including August next to me who's screaming louder than me at cheering Dale on. Together we're the two loudest people in the room.

Although I'm very thankful for August giving me his jacket, so I don't show so much boobs, I think he only gave it to me because he didn't want to be seen embarrassed next to sitting next to me. If he wanted to be embarrassed, he doesn't need my help.

He's already embarrassing enough by himself for wearing his normal clothes- a black often used shirt and tight black jeans with a black leather jacket and dark brown combat boots- to a damn business meeting where it's custom and professional to wear a suit and tie.

So now as we scream our voices off with the rest of the crowd in the small crowded breakroom of workers, August's black leather jacket makes my arms sweat with wearing now two jackets while my arms are higher than my head. I cheer louder as Dale shoves the last of the donuts Mr. Lockhart bought which brings the crowd into a jumping victory roar.

"Yes!" I scream, "He did it!"

I jump on Dale to hug him as does Roger who kisses a clear spot of Dale's cream covering his cheek, "You beautiful hunk of Asian! You finally beat Ronda's record!"

Dale has been trying to bring this record completion to our floor. For the past two years, I have been in charge of gathering a couple of people on every floor of our building who compete against each other secretly for ridiculous challenges. It's a little bright that we look forward to in our work day. Dale has finally brought our floor the win of the donut trophy.

I straighten myself from giving Dale a bear hug and tousle his black hair, "Good job, Dale," I raise my voice loud enough for everyone to hear, "Now when we have a meeting next week, we can claim the golden donut trophy for Dale eating a whopping thirty-four donuts and beating Ronda's from the thirty-fourth floor's record of twenty-nine!" I announce and everyone cheers for Dale.

While some are patting Dale on the back and shaking hands to congratulate him, August approaches me with a paper cup, "Here. I don't know why the hell you guys still compete like this, but to celebrate, I made you a cup of coffee to replace your other one," August holds out a coffee cup and I eye it as if it's poison.

"I did nothing to it. It's just coffee," He holds it out more to me.

I grab the cup while eyeing his other hand holding his cup. I take a sip of coffee, immediately regretting it.

My heels click fast against the tile as I run to the sink and spit out the plain scorching coffee. My tongue sizzles with the after-effects of holding the coffee for so long and burning off some of my taste buds.

August laughs at me as I stick my tongue out and run my tongue under the running water of the sink to cool it off. Most of the people in the break room have cleared already -including Dale who looks like went to the restroom across the hall, probably throwing up from eating so much- so it helps with not being embarrassed by sticking my tongue out.

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