🌸≈☆'||Volume 3||'☆≈🌸

382 12 28

🌸~'|Chapter 3|'~🌸
*"Her best friend.."*
Side ships
Slight language
Muichiro x Tanjiro


🌸*~'|Tanjiro's pov|'~*🌸

"Hey Tanjiro...I invited Muichiro to come and hang out sometime with us tomorrow to study, since he is a little...um dumb in a way? I hope you don't mind..!"

"I don't mind at all! I have to get to know him eventually, I don't want your friends hating me or anything!"

"I'm sure he doesn't hate you!"

"Let's just say the first time we met, my best friend tripped him and he fell, so...it was kind of a rough start?"

"Oh! I didn't know! I'm sorry!"

"It's okay! He seems like a nice guy!"

"He really is! He was there when I needed him most when...my parents passed away...but...he is kinda difficult to handle sometimes. Him and his fantasy of love life and he claims to be single." I laughed a little, the boy she speaks of is named Muichiro, who I ended up meeting.

Muichiro seemed to be close with Kanao a lot. Normally people dislike it that their partner is too close with their friends, but it's understandable for Kanao in her situation and what she is going through. I was kinda scared to meet Muichiro officially, as how we first met and then the fact I'm dating his friend who he seemed attached to as well. I'm sure nothing can really go wrong as much! I mean I love Kanao and would try my best to get along with Muichiro.

To be completely honest, when I first met Muichiro, he was pretty cute, had very pretty eyes, and looked very innocent. He seems like he was a soft hearted person, mostly what I thought of when I first met Kanao. Kanao and I met after one day at lunch time. Muichiro seemed to be absent that day or something and she looked lonely, I remember talking to her after I ditched my friends to go sit with her, offering my lunch to her.

"Muichiro seems to be a kind person! Is there anything else I should know of?"

"Oh! Sometimes Muichiro gets mistaken as his twin brother, well because they are identical? His brother really hates me for some werid reasons? So sometimes I mistake him for Muichiro and then drama happens that we both luckily get over quickly. Now it's kinda easier to tell as they know we're their necklaces with their initials on it, and Yuichiro wears his hair in a ponytail tail mostly."

"I see... hopefully I won't have to face the same problem.."

"You won't, hopefully. I made sure with Muichiro that he had to wear the necklace everyday.."

"Why do you think Yuichiro dislikes you?"

"He seems jealous in a way? But.. I'm not really sure. I tried to be nice to him but sometimes he makes it difficult to, not like I said anything bad to him so far, hopefully it continues to be like that in the future.."

Yuichiro and Muichiro from what it sounds like have opposite personalities, Yuichiro seems to be the more serious one, rude and bossy. While Muichiro seems to be the softer one, kind, and a little dumb. I always find the dumb ones cute, and I have no idea why. I told Kanao once and she laughed at it saying she likes someone who is a little dumb at times adorable as well. She doesn't care if I comment if someone was cute or not, or say something about my type.

Kanao does not seem to get jealous easily unless it is serious. Which I love, I don't want someone who is constantly controlling on what I do 24/7. I want someone who is able to let me be free to hang out and talk to who I want to. Because of this, I want to do the same to Kanao, and I don't wanna ever have to hurt her for someone. Kanao is kind, and she is innocent, and has her own problems, I don't want to the one who has to add onto that pile.

"Ah! I got to go! I'm sorry! I'll see you tomorrow then!" I kissed her and stood up grabbing my stuff after I got a text from my mother, she smiled and nodded, "Alright! Night Tanjiro!"


I walked home since we don't live that far from each other and then I managed to make it home safely and I get the embrace of all my younger siblings, besides Nezuko of course. She and I always gotten along with each other, that was until mostly before Kanao manage to get into the picture. It's not like we stopped being kind to each other, it almost felt like a hint of jealousy in a way? Maybe she was jealous that I have a girlfriend and she fears she might get in the way of our sibling bonding?

I guess it's something all of my siblings will have to get used to, as I heard them yell, "Why were you over there for soo long? Will it be like this everyday?!"

"No! I promise it won't! Just normal couple behavior during first few weeks!" I know it's gonna be like this for next couple of weeks, because new couples always wanna hang out constantly, to keep the comfortable feeling going. I went upstairs after I hugged my siblings and mother goodnight and sat into my bed.

Tomorrow was the day I have to meet Muichiro for the next time officially, when we officially get to know each other. I wonder how that is gonna go, will Muichiro be the same person I am hearing? or will I be able to add onto that description of this boy..

For some reason...it feels like I've been dying to meet this boy..

🌸*~'|Thanks for reading|'~*🌸
~'|1048 words|'~

Thank you guys for already like 100 reads, that was really fast lol- but you guys are always fast when I post a new Muitan book.

So there might not be to much of Tanjiro's pov in this story so far in the beginning, but idk how long I'm gonna make this book, mostly before July hits. But we'll see.

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