Ariel Keeps Me Company

7 4 11

Butternut Hollow

Middletown, Connecticut

Me: *sitting alone*

Ariel: Hey, babe! Are you okay?

Me: I just feel lonely.

Ariel: Don't worry, buddy! I'll keep you company! *sits next to me on the bench* I'm your friend and I don't like to see you all lonely!

Me: Thanks, babe!

Ariel: Of course! Want a Trix?

Me: Sure!

Ariel: *gives me a Trix*

Me: Thank you! *eats the Trix*

Ariel: No problem! So, how's the writing coming along?

Me: It's coming along alright. Though, I think it sucks.

Ariel: It doesn't suck! Your writing is very creative! You got talent, dude! Don't be so hard on yourself!

Me: It's just that I'm very passionate in what I do!

Ariel: That's great! Don't let that inner critic hold you back! I love your stories, and so does everyone else!

Ash_di_Angelo: What's up, guys? Everything okay?

Ariel: I'm just keeping him company. He felt lonely.

Ash_di_Angelo: Oh okay! You guys want these Cherry Cokes? I got them from the mini mart!

Me: Sure! *takes it*

Ariel: Okay! *takes it*

This story was written on Wednesday, May 29th, 2024.

A/N Ariel is such a nice friend to keep me company! I love her so much! ❤️ Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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