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Hey guys!!
I know I haven't been active on this book for a long time, but I am not getting much time for it.
It's not like I don't have time to type, typing is one of the easiest and less time taking things, but to think what to type is surely very time consuming.

I wanted to bring out a lot of emotions, and character plots in this story, right now it might seem boring but I am firm faith in its potential.

But reading the last few chapters, it's not even 1 percent of what I wanted to bring out.
I wanted to portray our emotions in Namjoon's therapy session, make it relatable and stuff but it ain't even close to that.

I really don't want to ruin the book like this
So decide one thing from these options

1. I just tell you the plot, and then unpublish the book.
2. I just delete the book.
3. Or you all will wait till like what March 2025?
A super long time right? And I know most of you will lose interest over that time, because 1 year is definitely a long time, so I guess I should go with option 1.

Again so sorry, but lemme know what you want!
Love ya!

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