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Hi, I understand this chapter is a bit short. I am going through rewrites at the moment and will come back to this part later. Thank you!

Make today the best day of your life!

-Laura Slate


"I'm not packing; the Ship Masters promised it wasn't necessary to bring our Earthly possessions." Violet protested with her legs crossed on her bed.

"Did you write your note already? This needs to look convincing." Zia asked in sing-song, trying to hurry Violet without overwhelming her, she put a separate satchel in Violets hands. "Just take what you can't live without, Vi." Zia paced around the shed folding clothes and placing them in a backpack. Zia refused to simply do nothing and wait until midnight. Zia looked out the window and let out an exasperated breath. They didn't have long to make it to the clearing where Violet first saw the space ship called Confero.

"Yes, I put the note in my desk drawer, I left it unlocked, and they'll find it when they search my shed. And fine, I'm bringing some books I guess." Violet wondered if their plan would work. She started picking up books and mementos from her years on the Farm and carefully packing them into her satchel.

Violet reached above her bed and took down a small a piece of metal with the words "VIOLET HYDE" inscribed upon it. Violet wondered what Mr. Hubert had to do with her past and he was the one who had told her to keep it. She decided to take the nameplate with her anyway, maybe she could find some answers on the ship.

"I left my letter on my bed; no one should see it until the morning. They'll come look for you after they read it. This should be their last stop. I have instructed Frida to wait in my office for Mr. Hubert. She will know exactly what to do." Zia's arm swept across the shed and she seemed confident they could evade the Director.

"What if they catch us trying to leave? I've heard the Farm has ways of making people stay, awful ways. I do not want to miss this opportunity." She shuddered as she closed her eyes and put her hand to mouth. Violet hoped some fresh air would put her more at ease.

Zia shrugged and surveyed Violet's intricately decorated yet meager shed, "there is nothing in your home leading them to the clearing. Once we are on our way to the woods, they won't be able to find us again." Zia smiled and held Violet's shoulders. She looked down into Violet's almost too big eyes, picking the right words to soothe her. "I need you to relax, I anticipate this being a long evening and you staying worried the whole time won't benefit me OR you. We need to reach the forest before curfew starts if we have any chance at all."

"Everything is happening so fast and I didn't sleep at all. What will the ship be like on the inside? What kind of crazy things will we get to see?" Violet twirled around the room and landed with her back on the bed, seizing her chest and sighing in elation, "Just the outside of the ship was amazing...I can't imagine what beauty exists inside." She raised up and beamed at Zia, "You'll have the knowledge of the universe at your fingertips, Zia, I hope you realize that. You'll be able to learn of Earth's past and what really happened during the Collapse."

Zia glanced meaningfully at her friend, the corners of her mouth curled up. "Vi, I know you can't wait to go, not just for personal growth, but to have an adventure. I just don't know why they're even considering taking me, but if I do go...I hope we can help somehow on Earth's behalf, maybe we could even help rebuild and restore this planet." Her pensive expression made Violet smile.

"Why are you so good all of the time? I want to get into trouble, but you always get me out of it! Promise we will have some fun?"

Zia giggled and said, "I hate to break it to you, but that has always been my job, helping you out of trouble. I intervene before you do something reckless and you thank me by getting into more trouble."

Violet rolled her eyes and lightheartedly swatted Zia's arm, deep down she knew Zia was spot-on; she had a tendency to get ahead of herself. Her words often came before her thoughts, but around Zia, she was her more grounded self and a better person.

They left the shed under the cover of darkness; Violet clasped Zia's hand behind her as they traversed their way through the orchards, everything left of their old lives strapped to their backs.

When they reached the clearing they both stood sweating from the humidity of the forest, their clothes and hair was clinging to sticky skin. Violet dropped on the ground and wiggled through the entrance, using branches to pull herself through. Zia passed Violet her gear passed through the clearing's opening. With both inside Zia closed off the entrance and checked the perimeter to make sure their space was empty. The trees surrounding the clearing provided total cover; the girls felt safe for the time being.

Violet sat on her favorite stump swinging her legs. Zia sat next to her and caught her breath, exhausted from the hike. Pulling her jacket tighter around her torso and crossing her arms over her stomach, Violet leaned her shoulder on Zia and closed her eyes, trying to rest before they left.

And now we wait...Do you think Zia will decide to go after all?

Is Violet getting ahead of herself once again? 

Tell me what you think.

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