IX - Mission

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Pretty early in the morning, we were all already geared up for the upcoming mission in France. I was clothed in a dark blue, military combat vest, some black cargos and all the tactical gear needed. And soon enough, we were already loadind up the plane with equipement and weapons. 

Everyone entered the chopper-like airplane so I had very little of choice of seat, or had the right to have a negative opinion on the seating plan. I stared at the three men sitting on the bench that were on the right side of the plane, while Price was still standing and waiting for all of us to be ready. A second later, my eyes landed on a free space between Soap and Ghost. The taller man was looking a bit apart from the two other men, so I sat down and clipped the seatbelts that went across my chest in a way too tight way, crusing my upper woman fat too harshly and I felt my breath hitch when I reached out to loose it up. Only to be met with a gloved hand reaching out to my belt at the same time, glove to glove. I pulled away slowly before turning my head away in attempt to ignore the proximity of Ghost's fingers to my body.

"Here." The man said with his usual seriousness and coldness, one that never affected me.

"Don't worry, Lass. Some men have no pecks, shouldn't happen often." Soap barked out, referring to the seatbealts being a bit less tight. His hair was neatly made into a mohawk as usual and a little bit of beard could be noticed. I nodded at his words and looked outside by the window that was right beside me. 

Around 6 minutes later, we were finally flying. On our way to France to help an ally. It wasn't a long flight, only around an hour or so, so I brought my sketchbook and a pen. Carefully and skillfully dragging the mechanical pen around the white-beige ish paper and drew Gaz, being careful on each chicken scratch as my sketch almost came to life. Slowly but surely, my attention was taken by the incredible view outside the window right beside me and I took a look.

"S' been awhile since I've been so up in the sky." I said with a slightly impressed tone in my whispered voice. My words catching Price's gaze.

"F' course it is, you haven't been deployed since 2020. Weren't ya?" Price said with a cigar in his mouth, breathing the smoke from the other side of the aircraft. At the small nod from me, Price sighed and straightened his back before opening his mouth to speak through the headphones we all had on the head to communicate.

"When we land, we'll join Colonel Bouvier and his team at their base. After that, we will talk about the mission and our goals. Clear?" He said in a really clear voice and he nodded harshly in response to the 'Crystal' we all answered. 

"Will it be sunny in France?" I asked, my tone neutral despite the idiocy of my question through the seriousness of the plane. I looked at Gaz with a raised eyebrow as he was already opening his mouth to answer my absurb question.

"Yes, why?" The brown-eyed man said in a confused voice, meeting my gaze and I looked away before taking out a pair of sunglasses. I placed them onto the hem of my shirt as I looked back up at him with serious eyes.

"Just to know if I wear my sunglasses or not." I stated with a emotionless voice, my fingers curling around the seatbelt of the plane and sighed while closing my eyes. Letting myself drift off a bit.


After the hour of flight finally finished, we landed and Price stood up, motioning for us to unlock our seat belts and get prepared to leave the aircraft by the ramp. 

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