The Sky Has Been Painted Purple! 💜

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Greta: *holding a paintbrush, and has on old clothes, consisting of a white shirt, white jeans with tears, and black rubber boots with no socks*

Me: Are you gonna paint something?

Greta: Yes, I am gonna paint the sky purple! Take the ladder outside, please!

Me: *takes the ladder outside*

Greta: *dips the paintbrush into a bucket of purple paint, climbs up the ladder and paints the sky purple*

Sky: *turning purple*

Sun: *retains its usual color*

Me: That's so cool, babe!

Greta: I know! It's like something out of a painting!

This story was written on Monday, May 13th, 2024.

A/N The sky has been painted purple!!!! Isn't it such a beautiful observation? 💜😌 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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