The Doctor takes his jacket off and lays it down on the lush green grass. Both Rose and the Doctor lay down on his jacket.

"Sorry," Rose smiles softly as she watches the Captain lay down on the grass next to them.

The Captain returns the smile as he shakes his head. "No worries."

"So, the year five million, the Sun expands, the Earth gets roasted."

"That was our first date," Rose smiles looking over at the Doctor.

"We had chips," the Doctor recounts making the Captain look over.

"Oh, that's where you went," he chuckles recounting the time they had left him alone in the Tardis for over an hour.

"Yeah," Rose softly chuckles.

"So anyway, planet gone, all rocks and dust, but the human race lives on, spread out across the stars. Soon as the Earth burns up, oh, they get all nostalgic, big revival movement."

"They find this place, same size as Earth, same air, same orbit, lovely. The call goes out, the human move in," the Captain says leaning up as does the Doctor eventually followed by Rose.

"What's the city called?" Rose asks, the Doctor and Captain share a look.

The Doctor looks over at Rose "New New York."

"Oh, come on."

"It is! The City of New New York. Strictly speaking, it's the 15th New York since the original, so that makes it New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York. What?" the Doctor asks as Rose chuckles.

"You're so different."

"He's a new new Doctor," the Captain laughs making the other two laugh.


The metal spider gets closer.

"Impossible. I recognise that child. Her face, show me her face."

"Closer, closer. Face, face, face," the humanoid instructs the spider.


"Can we go and visit New New York, so good they name it twice?" Rose asks pulling herself up.

"Well, I thought we might go there first," the Doctor says pointing at the hospital while he stands up as well as the Captain.

"Why, what is it?" Rose asks as the Doctor puts his coat back on.

"Some sort of hospital," the Captain says as the wind tousles his hair.

"The green moon on the side, that's the universal symbol for hospitals," the Doctor adds while Rose helps him with his coat. "I got this..." he pulls out his psychic paper, with the words 'Ward 26 Please Come' on, "a message on the psychic paper."

"Oh, and I thought we were just sightseeing. Come on, then. Let's go and buy some grapes," Rose smiles linking the Doctor's arm again before the three head off in the direction of the hospital.


On a thrown together frame, a pale flat piece of skin is tied to it. "Oh! Rose Tyler, I knew it!" Cassandra says. "That dirty blonde assassin."

"She's coming here, mistress."

The Doctor and The Captain: Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now