Start from the beginning

a few moments into their conversation, taehyun had noticed a familiar figure start walking up to them.

"beom-" and before he could finish his sentence, he was met with a harsh shove. "what the fuck-?" he stared at beomgyu, who was standing in front of him with kayeon behind him.

"what did you say about kayeon?!" beomgyu glared. taehyun's eyes widened and he looked at beomgyu with confusion.

"what are you talking about?" he uttered. beomgyu scoffed and brought kayeon in front of him.

"well, you insulted me pretty bad.. i told my beomie about it and he dislikes that im being treated this way." she pouts with false innocence. taehyun looked at her with surprise.

"okay, so, i defended myself and you had to snitch on me just because of some shit you have with me? you hate me and act like you own beomgyu, so if i say something about you, youre just going to be like some messenger, huh? youre going to report all of your petty problems to him and expect him to be on your side every single damn time?" he scoffed and turned his gaze to beomgyu. "youre going to believe every single word that comes out of this manipulative shit's mouth? have you started having favorites?" taehyun stared at beomgyu with disbelief. what had happened with, "i'll never leave your side"?

"taehyun, its not favoritism. shes my own girlfriend, i have the right to believe her-"

"'the right to believe her'? do you even realize how shes treating you? shes using you like a play doll! you cant seriously believe her over your own best friend." taehyun was mildly disappointed. when he had met beomgyu and huening kai a few years back, they had been inseparable. but now with kayeon in the picture, its as if their strong friendship had started to shake and crumble. taehyun was still the same with huening kai, but they werent a trio anymore. beomgyu hadnt been with them.

"beomie, we shouldnt waste our time on them. i was being overdramatic.." she clung onto his arm. taehyun curled his upper lip in disgust, while huening kai glared from behind them. the younger had been right, taehyun thought; kayeon was a shit-eating bitch.

"wow, okay. go ahead and leave us again like you did before, beomie." taehyun mocked kayeon, turning away to mutter something to huening kai. the younger nodded firmly and the duo walked off, leaving a gobsmacked beomgyu and kayeon in their wake.

"hes such a loser," kayeon said once they left. beomgyu sighed and tightened his hold on his backpack.

"i have to go. see you, kayeon." and he left. kayeon was about to trail right behind him, until the male turned around. "dont fucking follow me." he muttered and walked right out of school gates. kayeon's jaw dropped- beomgyu had never talked to her like this, she thought. was it karma who had came and hit her?


"i swear to god, its like she's completely changed beomgyu. he doesnt even reply to my texts anymore!" taehyun muttered as he and huening kai finished their last class of the day, walking home together like they usually do.. or more like when beomgyu used to walk with them. but the older hasnt been walking home with the two younger ones ever since she came into their lives.

"mhm. i havent even had a proper sentence with him after kayeon came and manipulated him into dating her." huening kai agreed. "i dont think beomgyu sees us the same anymore. its as if we dont exist nowadays."

"yeah, life's like that, i guess. maybe we just werent meant to be a trio." taehyun mumbled, gripping onto the strap of his backpack. he was fighting back tears as he thought back to when beomgyu had shoved him. it was something the older would never do, especially to someone close to him. hell, the older had barely known kayeon for three months.

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