is it too late?

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Buck and eddie wonder if they lost their chance to be together

Buck felt guilty. He had lied to his best friend and ruined his date because of it.

He tried to make an excuse in his head but he knew it wasn't good enough. He dicided he really needed to tell eddie the truth.

Eddie had just found out his girlfriend used to be a nun and eddie doesn't know how to feel about it so he goes to buck.

They are sitting in buck's kitchen as eddie tells him everything about his girlfriend and the situation.

Eddie then says a comment that makes buck dicide its now or never.

"You and Tommy were smart stay single hang with the boys" eddie says and buck shifts in place.

"It was a date" Buck says and eddie looks up at him

"What?" Eddie asks confused thinking he must have heard him wrong.

"It was a date. When you ran into me and tommy." Buck says and waits for the backlash but it never comes

"Oh. Well good for you two then" eddie says and buck let's out a relieved laugh

"Well it would be but when I lied to you he told me I wasn't ready" Buck says and can't blame Tommy

"Well what do you think?" Eddie asks and buck sighs

"I really wanted to go on that date" he says and eddie smiled

"Well then you should call Tommy. I should go home and deal with everything at home" eddie says and buck nods

As eddie was about to leave he stoped and turned around.

"We are still good." Eddie says and sees buck let out a breath

He walks back

"come here" he says before hugging him.

Buck hugs back happily and then eddie leaves. On the way home eddie realizes he is in love with buck.

He gets home and tried to enter quietly, just as he turns around she is there.

"Oh your home" she wispers knowing chris is asleep

"I am. We should talk" eddie says and he feels nervous but relieved

When they sat down she started talking before he had the chance

"I'm sorry. Guy's only have 2 reactions when they find out about my past. The first is the freak out and leave. The second is they get really into it." She explains and is obviously waiting to see which eddie is

"Maybe there is a third type? It did catch me off gaurd but I was ok with it. I realized something about myself after that and it wouldn't be fair to continue after" he says and then tells her

He tells her how he is in love with buck. How he feels guilty because his son should have a mother but he wants buck.

"Kids need loving parents. Gender and amount doesn't matter. That's why I quit being a nun they hated people like that but I just saw love." She said and eddie feel relieved in a way

"It was nice thank you" she said kissing his cheek before grabbing her things and leaving.

Once she was gone eddie just sat against a wall and thought about buck. He wondered if they were on a date.

If they were laughing. If Tommy is making buck smile like eddie does.

He wondered if it was too late. He wondered if he called buck and told him everything if he would leave Tommy or if he would lose buck forever so eddie just stays there.

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