Chapter 28

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Noah and I are walking through the corridor towards our class.

I want to pee.

"Noah..I want to pee, you go, I will come in a second." I said, removing my hand from his.

He nodded and left.

I got to the bathroom and did my business and walked out of the bathroom.

I started walking towards the class when I saw..

I-I saw..


"Hi sarah." The creature in front of me spoke. I cant speak, I cant say anything.

I want to..I want to say something. Anything.

I dont want to be weak. I dont want to cry.

"sarah don't be scared...I..I hv changed." The creature spoke after looking at my terrified face.

He thinks..I can believe him after what he did.

After he ruined my childhood.

Does he think I am stupid.

I am foot

" me." He pleaded.

Pleaded? No how can he... after all those years of ruining my life, after all those years of sleepless nights, after all those years of me telling him to stop hurting me.

How can I just trust him.

" Sarah pls forgive me..pls" he pleaded joining his hands. I feel anger working up my veins.

"How could you? How could you Liam. After all those years of torturing me , you think you can just come and ask me to forget everything. Forget everything you did." I angrily said.

"I know, I know.. but I understood my mistakes now. I have taken proper therapy. Pls give me one chance." He grumbled.

But how can I ... How can I just forgive him after all those years of him making me suffer.

"Let's start all over again.. let's meet after school. I wont hurt you.. you can even bring your friends if you want to..pls trust me." He pleaded as the bell rang.

"Ok." I replied and he smiled.

"James cafe at 6pm." He asked smiling.

"Ok." I said and started walking towards my class.

I agreed.. why?

I am stupid

"What took you so long." Noah asked as I sat on my sit in the class.

"Nothing..just girls thing." I smiled and he nodded. "Uhm..uh Noah..uh are you free at 6." I asked hesitantly.

"Yeah why?" He asked.

"Uh I have a friend to meet, he said to bring my friends along so can you.. uhm come." I asked

"Yeah sure." He agreed and I smile. A smile of relief.

Tbh..I didn't thought he would come..he hates interacting with people.

Now I don't know how it's gonna be..I hope it doesn't turn out to be... A disaster.


What do you guys think about this chapter?

What do you think is gonna happen in the next chapter?

Are you excited? Me too 😂

Do you think Liam changed?

Do you want to know what he did to sarah?

Anyways byeeee

Takecare ❣️

XOXO ❤️✨

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