Investigations 2

22 1 11

I watched as Taranza lifted up the red blood soaked blanket and saw glaring purple, dead eyeball underneath

Bandee:Dark nebula-


Susie:Not again....

I try to move away from Daroach carrying me and approach the...eye to examine further before-

Taranza:Hey- Bandanna dee don't you dare try and investigate much! You just sprained your foot and got bruises!

Bandee:But Dark nebula just got brutally murdered! Do you expect me to just sit and wait and get a summary later, no I can't just sit here, besides it not like im walking on a broken-

Susie:It can get much more serious if you don't rest, here Daroach you don't mind carrying Bandanna waddle dee around right?

Daroach:I don't mind, as long as it keeps him from getting injured furthur.

And so I was forced to use Daroach as my vehicle of movement before Monokuma appeared before us to hand the files out. I am still annoyed about not being able to move freely but Daroach is pretty quick and it helps to have someone who can move fast.

Bandee:Okay then, Daroach let's investigate the body after we read the monokuma files.

Me and Daroach boot up the files as the others take them and leave for other

The victim is Dark nebula Ultimate Star. The cause of death is poison and the victim's time of death is not available. The victim's body state is unknown, the poison ingested caused Dark Nebula to explode and leave all of its body fluids around the room. The poison used is not available at this time but the side effects of the poison cause the victim to combust and all their body fluids to explode out. The poison is a mix of various other poisons.

Brutal.... A poison can cause all of that...?

Daroach: It's strange a poison can cause all of that to happen, someone had to have specially made this to be deadly to Dark nebula ...Hey isn't Susie pretty knowledgeable on this stuff?

Bandee:You're right, let's go ask her after we see the, well eye....

Daroach: Agreed.

So me and daroach got straight to work, the eye was eye. Though it didn't have much veins. Surprisingly, it was just an eye. A dead eye.

Bandee:The eye being intact is a bit weird but oh well.....

Dark nebula's eye and Monokuma file 2 has been added to the truth bullets!

Daroach:Let's go ask Susie now then...

Me and Daroach approach Susie who's going through the cabinets

Bandee:Hey Susie? you have any idea how to make the poison?

Susie:I do, but not how much you need to give ...and it's not that hard to make without any knowledge as well, pretty common ingredients are needed to make it so it's common knowledge to those in culinary or medical fields what NOT to mix together.

Bandee: and those are?

Susie:Pop flower pollen, pep brew and mismaros oil.

Daroach:....and they found this out how? Who's putting mismaros oil in your Peppy pop cocktail-

Susie: Mismaros oil can actually be used for various culinary and medical uses-

Bandee: Okay we don't need to know, but I would assume you'd need a high dosage for dark matter right? Dark matter is already pretty poisonous on its own.

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