Urvi pov
I ran inside my mother's room ignoring Gandhari Ma completely. We just arrived at Hastinapur. Vidur uncle told us that she is sick and wants us all here. Behind are my kids, my neices and nephews also running behind me.
Me : Matashree!
Hearing me all my sister in laws looked up. My mother rose slightly up. I went and hugged her.
Vidur : She suddenly fainted and kept asking for you all. I even wrote a letter to the Pandav but I mean its not like they will be able to come.
All of us just nodded. The kids along with my family entered in. Seeing them Kunti Ma looked down.
Kunti : Pranipat to all of you.
She was about to stand up but I made her sit down.
Karn : Rajamatha Kunti please sit down.
Kunti : You have to forgive me. All of you.
Chitra : Ma its not your fault.
Kunti : i asked Draupadi to marry my five sons. I asked them to marry you guys. I asked them to be samrat and samragini. How can I live knowing the fact I just destroyed all of your lives?!
Durupad : But you should live. Pritha you shouldn't die before seeing your sons kill the Kaurav. I am going to live to see that. I was angry at you when Draupadi married the five of them. I was angry at you when they brought in these six girls. I was mad at you when Draupadi went through a miscarriage. But throughout all this whenever I talked to Draupadi she told me about how you cared for her like her own daughter. About how she and her sister in laws are like a family. You think asking them to become the Samrat and Samragini was a mistake but I never thought that. That was the one thing I was so happy about. Kunti Draupadi is like your daughter don't you want to see the people who embarrassed her die. Don't you want to see your sons do that.
Kunti Ma only nodded.
Sisupal : We are angry Rajamatha but no matter what will any of us back down. We are going to watch the Kaurav perish.
Abhimanyu : Yes Dadi. Even we kids won't be silent.
Srinivas : Nani trust us.
Me : See Matashree. You are worried for nothing. Matashree after you get better you are coming with me to Panchal.
Kunti : This is my husband's home.
Me : Ma Pitashree is no more. I am worried for your safety.
Kunti : They won't do anything to me.
Me : Matashree they didn't think twice before.....(Renu bhabhi glared at me) harming us all. Will they spare you.
Vidur : Urvi I will take care of your mother.
Dhirsthduyman : You couldn't even stop your nephews from gambling can you really take care of her.
Kunti : No matter what you all say. I will be here.
Me : OKay then I am staying here for a few days at least.
Kunti : No. I was stupid. I though I was going to die. But you guys are right. I won't go anywhere till my sons get revenge.
Pranitha and Bhargavi : Revenge for what?
Karn : Girls revenge for stealing Indraprastha.
"Pranipat Panchalnaresh."
I instantly turned around. It was Duryodhan, his shadow Dushansan, his son Laxman and of course his 'pyarii' uncle Sakuni.
My father in law didn't answer.
Duryodhan : What is this Panchalnaresh?! No matter what I am the Samrat.
Pranitha : Oh hello! My bade pita is the samrat and my mata is the samragini you are nothing. You are not even worth being under their legs.
Dushasan : You....
Dushasan came forward but Dhirsthduyman stood in front of him.
Dhirsthduyman : Don't even dare.
Sakuni : Dushasan we are not here to cause any fight.
Duryodhan : We were anyways going to send you letter but I am sure this way is also fine. I will be having a coronation soon. I am looking forward for you all.
Abhimanyu : Duryodhan you can make people call you Samrat but no matter what it will be Yudhisthir uncle who will be respected. Not you.
Sakuni : Abhi......
Abhimanyu : I AM YUVARAJ ABHIMANYU OF INDRAPRASHTA! You will call me like this only.
Laxman : Abhimanyu if anyone is the yuvaraj its me. Not you.
Abhimanyu : You will have to kill me to take that position.
Laxman : Thats easy.
Abhimanyu : Easy?! Laxman when we go to the battlefield I promise you that your death will be in my hands. Not the other way around.
Durupad : ENOUGH!
The minute my father in law shouted. All of us flinched. Even Duryodhan did.
Durupad : Duryodhan your so called coronation won't happen. And if it does Hastinapur should be warned. Panchal army, Dwarka army....
Sisupal : Chedi army....
Siya : My father and uncle will also send their army.
Uloopi : Nagalok won't stay silent.
Chitra : Manipur will also send.
Durupad : Kids lets go. Karn stay with Urvi till she wants to stay with her mother. Rest all of us are leaving. This is not up for argument.
I saw the way the kids glared at Duryodhan. I am very proud of them.

FanfictionThis story starts from the time the Pandav are in exile. It focuses on how the kids go through the whole thing.