Chapter 9: War Between Girls

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

(Y/N)/Carnage: "Bon Appetit.~" He said to himself and make him was opened his mouth out and bite the head of the monster off that he just killed and it was delicious for what he just consume him and after he killed the monster...and he seen something else in his own mind and make him was remembered the whole things in his head.

and he seen something else in his own mind and make him was remembered the whole things in his head

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(Y/N)/Carnage: "*Chuckle* You think that will get rid of me, motherfucker....Vecna...I'm going to kill you with my bare hands." He said to himself and (Y/N) was going to after that he is gonna kill and those motherfucking scientists that they are gonna pay for what they've done. When (Y/N) realize to seen the truth about there was a villain who is scientist for himself and then the monster is going out there and he is gonna hunt these fuckers down by himself.

The six teenagers were look down there and they saw (Y/N) was stood right there like freezing and they have no idea how is he stood there for awhile and until (Y/N) was let out his thunderous roar up to the sky.

The six teenagers were look down there and they saw (Y/N) was stood right there like freezing and they have no idea how is he stood there for awhile and until (Y/N) was let out his thunderous roar up to the sky

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(Y/N)/Carnage: "*ROAR*"

When (Y/N) was roar out like that and he suddenly transform back to his own human form with his casual clothes on and make him was sigh out little bit and he just chuckle little bit and he turn his head to look at the six teenagers were up there and (Y/N) gave them a thumb up right away.

(Y/N): "Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to them and make them were responded to (Y/N) like 'You're welcome' and then (Y/N) was sigh out in relief that it is actually over and he turn his head to look over there and he saw Kurumi was shoot her weapon at those monsters and blew their brains, heads, and bodies up too...she is killing them all by herself. When she was done killing those Phantom monsters and make her was let out a sadistic laugh little bit and she felt fun to killing those Phantom monsters like happy killing and she felt having lot of fun.

(Y/N): "Having fun yet?" He asked her and make her was turn around to look at (Y/N) and she had a happy smile face and she said.

Kurumi: "Of course it is, (Y/N).~ I have lot of fun.~" She said to (Y/N) and make her was walking toward to (Y/N) and she gave (Y/N) a hug right away and make he got his head pulled into Kurumi's cleavage. Then she told him that she was been misses him so badly and (Y/N) sigh to her and he just tell her that she need to calm down right now and there's no need to be mad about it and (Y/N) knew her for long time ago.

Ash: "Get your hands off my boyfriend!!!!!!!!!" She shout out to Kurumi.

Kurumi: "Aaw, are you jealous?" She asked her and this pisses the ginger haired girl up and she seen Kurumi is hug (Y/N) like he was belong to Kurumi's hobby and she doesn't care whoever she really is

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Kurumi: "Aaw, are you jealous?" She asked her and this pisses the ginger haired girl up and she seen Kurumi is hug (Y/N) like he was belong to Kurumi's hobby and she doesn't care whoever she really is...and she want (Y/N). Then the others were look around and saw the dead bodies of those Phantom monsters were torn apart off and they were nothing but bunch of useless pieces of craps down on the ground and they seen (Y/N) and Kurumi were strong...definitely stronger than anything for what they saw.

Ben: "Whoa." He said.

Logan: "They clean all everything up." He said to them.

Aiden: "That was their powers were truly insane...but...what are they?!?" He told them with his face like cheer up and they want to know more about their powers.

Tyler: "Whoa...whoever they are...I think we got a big superhero problem right now...we have friends...lot of friends." He said to them and make them nod their heads.

Taylor: "Yay, we have lot of friends to join with us!!!!!" She said to them and make them were groaning out and then they knew her is happy and Aiden turn his head to look at the two of them over there and he was observe (Y/N) who was being tugged by the two of them. But he seems to be jealous about the protagonist got the two girls...and he was sigh out that he doesn't need to worrying about it.

(Y/N): "Alright, enough with you need to fight or curses...but we should get back to our home right now." He said to them and make them nod their heads and Tyler asked (Y/N) in question.

Tyler: "So, what now?" He asked (Y/N) and make him was silent that he doesn't know what to said.

(Y/N): "We'll wait for what happened next...but we really wait for that bastard Vecna is do something bad situation about this." He said to them.

To Be Continued.

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