The gasoline

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Don't hate me 🙏
(I'm fuckin bored af with nothing to do while watching Yours on repeat)



Hugo's POV:

"Too bad it wasn't worth cutting for the little time you'll have it." She sounded disgusted.

"You could have done so much better, especially with finding those rats as friends. Oh wait, sorry, your on my team. You aren't a hero. You are a thief kid, that's your life. You chose it" She was just trying to get under my skin, trying to get me to lower my guard, but I wasn't having it. Not now. Not ever, I will become better, for varian.

"No- that isn't true." I said, weakly, but it was enough for her to understand.

"Oh really? Trying to be tough now. What name are you going by now? What? Hugo. Ain't that right?" She asked, it wasn't a question though, she already knew the answer.
"The choice is still open, get the totems, or suffer." She said, she wasn't going to back off from this, she's just as cruel as she looks.

She grabbed the pocket knife, that's where I noticed I had- I had bandages? When-

This is a dream.

This- if it's a dream, she can't hurt me. Right? That's how dreams work.. right? I asked myself, she was walking away and was a bit far, though I was weak, I stood up and took my pocket knife and tried jumping at this dream version of Donella, but damn when she cut me, it hurt. It felt real. I looked around, it didn't look like anywhere I've been. It was peaceful, but this bitch wasn't.

"Sorry kid." She turned around and threw a match to the floor, it lit up around me, there was fire. Everywhere.

"Wh- what the fuc-" I got cut off as she put her knife to my throat

"Wrong choice." She said as she cut my neck, blood started to run.

This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real.

Varians POV:

"HUGO PLEASE.. JUST WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU- YOU GAY FUCK. PLEASE" I screamed, I was getting scared, crying. Though it isn't a good way to cope, I've learned that the hard way, too many time (same mate 😔). I looked at him, my vision blurry, but I saw his neck bleeding.


"NO NO NO- FUCK HUGO. PLEASE NO- FUCK." I was definitely losing my mind at this point, I hugged Hugo's unconscious body, crying, begging that he would just wake up. I felt like I was in a nightmare. Then I heard Hugo's heart beat come to a complete stop.

"oh my.. god." My voice broke, I couldn't help but laugh. I felt insane for doing such a thing, my friend just died, but I probably am going insane.

I broke a promise, the most important promise.

I lost someone, the most important person.

I lost Hugo.
I failed Hugo.

Hugo's POV:

I couldn't stop coughing, the blood, I was dying. I'm sorry varian. He's the only one I can think, worry about right now. I failed him, he's probably so disappointed. Not much of a surprise. I've always been a disappointment.

A disappointing thief.
A terrible, disappointing friend.
A freak.
A terrible dishonest person.
A liar.
A criminal.
A broken person.
A traitor.
That's who I am, Hugo.

Donella left, I was dying, choking on my own blood, stuck in a fire.

I stopped breathing, the last I've ever saw was the fire, such a thing, the invisible gasoline. It was all done. The last page of my life. Goodbye. I hope you enjoyed.

and varian, I hope you can find someone who makes you happy. Who makes you smile. To comfort you. You deserve it. I...

Varians POV:

I couldn't stop laughing, nor could I stop crying, I was definitely going insane.

"..plea..please.." I heard Hugo say, but wasn't he dead?!

"H-Hugo..?" Varian, your hallucinating. Sto-

"...v-varian.. be.. happy.." he said, was I going insane? No I heard him. That's him, I looked at Hugo,

"for me"

he said, he was actually moving, I ran to get bandages and the last bit of my concoction.

"Hugo- oh gosh- Hugo please drink this" I begged as I wrapped his neck up so it couldn't bleed more, I put the bottle to his lips and fed him.

"please fucking work." I muttered to myself, anything, please. I can't loose him.

Hugo drank it, swallowing and opening his eyes.

"Hugo.." I said, smiling, I don't think I've been any happier.

"varian..?" He asked, he seemed confused, I watched as he looked around.

"Where's the fire- the- it was a dream.." he said, he was dreaming- wait fire? That isn't a dream, more like a nightmare.

"How ere you cut on your neck? And what were you saying?" I asked, wiping my tears away, I couldn't be any more happier. He was here.

The story hadn't ended. It just seemed to work out.

".. I said.. that I wanted you to find happiness."
(He ignored the neck thing and varian is stupid so he didn't realize) aww, Hugo so sweet, but I really think I would have gone insane and just never ever talked to anyone again. Or end up.. never mind that. Hugo means a lot to me.

That's the end of that.

"Varian? Oh varian there- oh yeah.. Hugo." Nuru came in, looking at both of us. "Yong just killed the fish in the pond.. and their guts are everywhere, so there isn't any food, mind finding some for dinner?" She asked, neither me or Hugo asked how that happened, it was obvious. Yong and his explosives

"hes a good kid.." Hugo said, he's never really showed affection towards us, but I know he had a soft spot for us somewhere, and there's Yongs affection from Hugo, gotta say he's a lucky kid for getting to Hugo's heart first. (Yong getting the first actually nice thing from Hugo)

I helped Hugo get up and get out of his tent, I sat him down on a log near the actual camp, let's just say he's staying in my tent for now on. I gave him his oh so dearly beloved book to read while I went to look for food.

Hugo's POV:

why would varian care so much. Out of everyone I've met. This felt different, he was probably one of the 3 nicest people I've met. Of course Nuru and Yong where the 2 others.

I'm lucky, aren't I?


Okay, so judging...

fluff is most likely next..

So for all my "stop the angst" yall r winners

for now.

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