[PROLOGUE] Why...?

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Why do they hate me?!

What did I do wrong...?

Why do they treat me terribly?

They're always ignoring me, unless they're yelling at me or blaming me for something that goes wrong, etc!

And on top of it all, they claim to be my friends. 

Well they're not.

They're not my friends.

I don't get why their treat their own teammate like this.

And... Why me?

What did I do to deserve this...?

And whenever I try to cry or vent to someone, they always say the same thing; "Suck it up."

Why does everyone hate me?

There's only one person who ever has cared about me, but they went missing a year ago. Their name was Crystal. They're my partner....

But everyone else?

They couldn't care less if I just vanished off the face of the earth. In fact, they'd probably be happy if I did.

Especially Tree.

He's the only member of the team who doesn't even pretend to be my friend. He just straight up hates me.

I felt tears forming in my eyes as I kept thinking about this.

No, Pen, don't cry. Remember, you're not allowed to cry...


I couldn't stop it. I started crying into my pillow, to muffle out the sound so they couldn't hear.


I need to find a way to get my revenge for treating me terribly.

After all, a friend of Crystal's told me, "If someone hates you for no reason, give them a reason." (A/N: One of my irl friends did tell me that-)

I always thought it was bad advice, and I still do, but I need my revenge. 

I can't stand being treated like this anymore....

I need to do something that will give me the respect I deserve....


Emo Pen /j /silly

Nothing really to say here lol

- Crystal, CEO of Poly Pact 

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