The job interview

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I wander through the bustling streets of the city I live close to.

My footsteps are quiet and fast.

I'm stressed.

I got bad news last week, my boss couldn't let me keep my job, due to me becoming too expensive and the company not getting enough money.

It's been a week and I still haven't found a replacement.

I worked there for so long! Why would they do this to me?

Yeah, yeah, I know already, but it still sucks!

It was a stable and well-paying job, I got along great with my colleagues and I have worked so hard to get to the high position I recently lost.

I was thrown a farewell party though, cool, but it felt half-heartedly.

Perhaps they really did grow tired of me and money had nothing to do with it.

I shake away the dark thought with my head.

The last day I came felt so strange, like I was trespassing or some kind of burglar, not welcome. The door with the writing 'Employees only' really made me feel worse.

It felt as if the building itself had wanted to spat me out and wanted nothing to do with me anymore.

Well no going back now.

I continue the rant in my head, whilst frantically scanning my surroundings for any shop with a piece of paper on the window, saying: 'Now hiring'.

God what have I been reduced to, to fall so far.

Not only my job, but also my sleep has seemed to have left me for something better and cheaper.

Anything will do now, anything!

Just to make me feel okay, like I have something good ahead of me in this fast world...

Yeah, I know I'm being overly dramatic, but really, it is how I feel right now, like everything I've worked so hard for is falling apart or leaving me.

I don't want to disappoint the people around me, I don't want to lose friends or other contacts over something like this.

And the last thing I want is having to rely on my parents again. I'm in my twenties for god's sake! Early twenties, but still.

I don't want to go back to pocket money!

Gosh I'm really going to need to learn how to start saving money better, the next job certainly won't pay me as much as my previous one.

I sigh as I see the piece of paper I was looking for.

It's a job at a fast food place.

I walk inside and ask the cashier.

"Sorry, we only take younger people."

As expected.

I thank the child behind the counter and return to my search.

After wandering around the city's big streets for hours, I sit down on a bench, completely exhausted.

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