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[A/N] hey beautiful people! so this is the first thing I've ever written and will probably suck but 3am impulsiveness made me start to write so here we are. This first chapter will hopefully just be introducing the main characters and their traits.

After reviewing this first part I can see that it is a little slow to pick up on but I feel the writing steps up a notch soon the first one or two is just getting the feels of who the two Boys are Im sorry if its hard to pick up but it does get much better (Hopefully) 

I suck at character descriptions so here is some little background to add some imagery just in case:

Eynal Amaranth (MC) - average height and build, short curly brown hair, purple eyes (bc amaranth is a shade of purple see what I did there hilarious! anyway) intelligent and curious.

Sam Lothain (MC) - Short, short blonde hair, blue eyes, well-meaning and positive

Essylt (Eynals mother) - Tall, long black hair, green eyes, proud and intense but soft deep down

Rob (Eynals brother) - Tall, Strong, medium length red hair, green eyes, bit close minded and childish but loyal

Eynal POV:

I had witnessed every commotion and fuss made over me throughout my life, every urge for me to step up and do what's right, every plea to do what is expected as all others do but I couldn't bring myself care, by now I only wanted it to end in silence for solitude was the only friend I welcomed.

Morning was dull as per usual, swirling grey clouds shrouded the suns light darkening the lands spirit and washing away the usual vibrant red grass that blanketed the area, it made my mood no better as I paced through the castle grounds quill and paper in hand, I was tasked by my mother to write up some plan so that we could ally ourselves with other families but the problem I faced was it was entirely meaningless, it didn't matter to me the affairs of people I had no care for this is just stupid I thought, sighing heavily and staring at the blank page in front of me, she could have given the job to my brother but nope it's always me.

I must have been out here for a while as my dilemma was broken by a sharp voice that rang across the courtyard, the irritated voice of my mother "Eynal!" she shouted "Get back inside you're not a stable boy."

An infinitely proud woman was the only way to truly describe her, she was traditional and firm having built our family up to where it is today she slaved away at politics and whatever else that pertained to the matter at hand and had transformed us into what he have today, a wealthy and influential kingdom where Amaranth became a name that demanded respect.

I rolled my eyes and shuffled toward the main hall, our home was Whitemoon, an ancient castle fashioned from clean white stone it stood backed up against the span of a large silver mountain tall towers clawing at its summits it was endlessly busy, filled with market stalls, trading posts and all manner of other commodities they preyed on the fact that the castle attracted tourists with it's ancient history and inspired architecture, when the sun rose the castle shone like a pearl amidst the ocean of tall grass and twisting rivers. 

The hall was surprisingly empty only my mother, brother, and some knights whose name I never learned or simply forgot sat at the tables, a large fire crackled away contently at the centre of the room giving the white stone an orange glow. "Little brother" my brother Rob said acknowledging my entrance "How was moping about in the front yard?" he smirked at me trying to elicit some response out of me as he always wished, his manner of acting earned him a short glare from my mother Essylt.

"Thoroughly enlightening, I am confident it was still more interesting than whatever you were doing dear brother" I deadpanned.

Rob opened his mouth to retort being interrupted by a short rap on the head from mother. "The pair of you are such children" she sighed before changing the subject "So Eynal how are you getting on with the work I set you?" she asked me curiously.

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