Chapter LXVI: Dreams

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Kanji: I feel guilty. I mean, should I be having these thoughts about Naoto? But I keep hearing that inappropriate thoughts are normal, is that true?

Yu: Yes, it is. It's perfectly normal to have thoughts like that, especially about someone you have a crush on and even more so if you're dating the person. I get those about Marie sometimes.

Kanji: You think about cuddling her while being wrapped up in a big blanket together in front of a fireplace?

Izanagi: (...)

Yu: .........Kanji, that's- *pause*

Surt: (...)

Odin: (...)

Thor: (...)

Loki: (...)

Trumpeter: (...)

Alice: (...)

Daisoujou: (...)

Yoshitsune: (...)

Jack Frost: (...)

Black Frost: (...)

Kaguya: (...)

Yu: Yes, yes, I do. It's- It's very distracting.


Yu went to sleep early, but he felt more awake then ever.


After several times in which Yu lost Marie the moment he took his eyes off her, he managed to bring her here.

Magatsu Izanagi: (How did she get out of our line of sight so many times...?)

Yu: *low voice* I don't know.

Marie: Hmmm... it's really green here. Green and... green. And some brown. Darker green? Leaves of green fly away. Farewell to you, clouds of the sky... I fly as well, lost as the day. Farewell to you, moon of the night.

Magatsu Izanagi: (What kind of conversation is this...?)

Yu: Is that poetry?

Marie: N-no! I-I-I wasn't making up a poem! It's just some words I was thinking! That's all! Yeah! ...

Yu: Sureeeeeeeeeeee

Magatsu Izanagi: (Wow... she's a great liar...)

Marie: *blushes and looks away* ...Shutupyoustupidjerkihateyou! D-Don't snoop on me!

Yu: ... I- umm... ...

Magatsu Izanagi: (Tsundere. Got it.)

Yu: (good thing I'm used to shit talk by now)

Marie: *Notices something and runs to it.*

Magatsu Izanagi: (Oh god damn it she's running off again...)

Yu: *follows her*

Marie looks out the Garden View.

Marie: Wow, it's pretty big...

Magatsu Izanagi: (That's what she said, literally.)

Yu: (wish I could punch this idiot)

Marie: I don't know, why... but I feel good about this place. It reminds me of something. ...

Yu: Of what?

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