I keep seeing my wife. She'll come into my room and tell me everything's okay. She'll hold my hand and just talk to me for a while.

Bakugou glanced to the side. Wife...

"Glad yer on meds for that, then. Must be hella confusing..."

Hey, Katsuki?


My father visited me yesterday. He told me that he was harsh on me because he was afraid I wouldn't have a good future. He wanted me to take over his company when the time came so I'd have a future that would absolutely work. He criticized every little mistake so I'd be successful since the world is a brutal place. For the first time, he said he cared about me, and that he was sorry for not seeing what I needed the most from him. Is it wrong of me not to believe him?

Bakugou squinted his eyes and exhaled sharply. I know I already said it wasn't wrong, but I also know he didn't believe me when I said that. Maybe that's a reason for him never really opening up to me. Not knowing who to trust, and having the person I bet he knew he could trust wholeheartedly disappear from his life. He felt something inside of him shrivel and turn bitter. I want that trust from him. I know it's gonna take him a while, but it's bugging me, and it shouldn't bug me. Great mood to put yourself in, Katsuki. Fucking hell.

Gritting his teeth, Bakugou glanced up from his phone to see a figure approaching him. Then, that figure became two figures, and the taller figure of the two became the focal point of Bakugou's vision. Gray sweatpants, a pale blue turtleneck, and two nearly shoulder-length waterfalls of white and red arrested his eyes.

Bakugou crunched down the feeling of helium besieging his lips, maintaining a neutral expression as his partner's gait widened. He espied the man beside Todoroki who wore a faint grin, but his eyes promptly flicked back to Todoroki.

He looks so healthy, Bakugou expatied to himself. Not as jacked as he was when I first met him, but as long as he's healthy and feels good about where he's at, I don't give a flying fuck about how he looks. His lips finally cracked when he noticed that Todoroki was smiling ever so slightly. He just makes me happy. Just seeing him is a rush of euphoria.

Once Bakugou could no longer leash the torrent of emotions inside of him, he bent the smile burning his lips into a smirk. Merely four feet away from the person that he'd waited four and a half months to return to his side, Bakugou felt his heart thrash, but he forced himself to remain still. Yet, a certain warmth like melted butter enveloped his chest when Todoroki lifted his hands, opening and closing them once. As he curled one arm around Todoroki and raised the other to tousle Todoroki's hair, he felt a cool hand on his shoulder.

I fucking missed you... Bakugou wanted to groan. I wanna give you a good hug and kiss your stupid lips, but no way in hell I'm doing that here.

"Took ya long enough to get out here," Bakugou snickered while running his fingers through Todoroki's hair. "What, trip over your shoes?" He pulled back, scrutinizing Todoroki's softened countenance. "Well, how're you doin'?"

As Todoroki nodded, the man beside him replied, "Health-wise, he's doing fantastic." His voice was relatively deep, but it wasn't quite as deep as what Bakugou could recall of Todoroki's voice. "I, as well as all the other staff who've worked with Todoroki, are incredibly proud of his progress."

"Hear that, Shu? We can talk more about what we're gonna do from here on out tonight or tomorrow. I bet yer daughter's gonna be elated to have you back."

With that, Todoroki and Bakugou departed for the subway station in silence. After securing a set of seats for themselves, Bakugou slid his phone out of his pocket and handed it to Todoroki.

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