Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Michael's P.O.V.


I almost jumped outta my skin!

It seemed I was too busy being hypnotised by Grace's beautiful presence and the fond memories of last night that I had completely zoned out of the real world, but, thanks to Cheryl's extremely alarming voice I broke from the trance.

"Boy! Don't you know it's rude to stare?! Where is your dignity? Have pride in your woman! By all means enjoy what you see but don't let it be known to the god damn world! Are you getting where I'm coming from? Damn your manners are down the drain!"

I could feel myself burning up, "I'm very sorry!" I blurted out to Grace who was now in the seat next to me.

"It's fine Mike!" she said smiling sweetly, "No big deal!" She said with a raised voice, still talking to me but aiming it at Cheryl aswell so she could hear.

Without turning round Cheryl shouted back "Don't blame the big woman for looking out for the small woman, it's human nature honey!" We all laughed at Cheryl's ridiculous remark.

Once breakfast was eaten and we both tried (unsuccessfully) to help Cheryl tidy away I took Grace to the living room to tell her the plan for the day and prepare her for the excitement ahead.

We both sat down on the huge sofa's, we were very close and she was divine, my brothers are going to be so jealous of me! It's about time too, I had always been made jealous of them when I was younger, now it's payback time, I just hope none of them will try and hit on her, then I will stand up to them, I'm not afraid of my brothers.

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