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So y'all Safari has her thing back but it looks way different soo evb is going to need a new one and also there are new girls coming into the play vani will
No longer be a character unless she is in the chapter so I need evb to comment which one looks better

So y'all Safari has her thing back but it looks way different soo evb is going to need a new one and also there are new girls coming into the play vani willNo longer be a character unless she is in the chapter so I need evb to comment which one lo...

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Which one y'all like best and wtv one has the most votes in the comments is now her new person but I will be using both of them back to back because my girl is going back to her blonde and she's also doing ginger but make sure y'all vote IN THE COMMENTS ALSO ON THE CHP THATS COMING CHP 23 otw

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