An unexpected meeting with her one night sparked an interest for Caden Whitlock, who'd never witnessed a woman using her guitar as a weapon.
The same unexpected meeting left Lennie St. James wondering who was really the man beneath the motorcycle h...
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"You're fucking having me on."
I death glare Miles as he frolics around the kitchen island like a fucking lamb. I don't know what happened to my best friend, but this woman he's been fucking has made him weird.
Made him act all goofy and fucking strange.
"No issue in having a bit of fun, Whitlock. You of all people know that." Isaac chuckles from where he's sprawled across the sofa, black hair like mine falling over his eyes.
"He's fucking beyond 'fun'. He's acting like a married man." I gesture to the sandy-blonde, who's now got his eyes glued to his phone, thumbs tapping rapidly.
"She's friends with the icy red-head, isn't she? They both live in the flat with Rowan." Isaac leans forward, taking a sip of his drink.
I know exactly what red-head he means. I denied her a smoke the other week and she got all stroppy and pissed.
But fucking Rowan. That weird little prick on the sophomore team. May as well put his head up Isaac's ass myself, if he doesn't manage to wedge it up there first.
"He'd better not be fucking coming tomorrow." I instantly snap.
"Rowan? He is. He's friends with Miles' girl anyway. He'd be coming one way or another, unfortunately." Owen rolls his shoulders as he lumbers into the room, heading straight for the liquor cabinet.
"So Hana, the chainsmoker red-head and Rowan the little damn lapdog are all coming? Get us a better crowd, would you, Greene?" I shake my head in disapproval.
"Two more from their flat also, can't remember their names." Miles replies as though that makes it any better, half distracted by whatever Hana is texting.
"It's meant to be a senior party. Stop inviting a load of fucking sophomores." I groan.
Owen raises the glass in his hand, "with Whitlock on this. Couldn't you have just slept with someone from our year?"
"Hana's honestly nicer than any other woman I've met in the last four years. Also, she's a cheerleader." Miles says, finally putting his phone down.
"I actually don't mind, as long as the rest of them aren't like Rowan. No offence," Owen raises his hands towards Isaac.
"None taken, I just don't get why you all hate him." Isaac shrugs. He's always been the softer one of our group. The kinder one, you might say.
"Because he's a fucking freak who tries to sleep with every woman under the sun." Owen deadpans.
"Sounds like someone I know." Miles lifts his head with a grin, gaze landing on me. I flip him the middle finger.