15. a glitch

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I must have done something heroic in my past life to keep being able to see Minho's veins pop out when he's angry. He looks at me, eyeing the bruise forming on my cheek from the punch earlier.

"Where is everyone else? Why are you the only one here?" I whisper to him. He pays no attention to my words and looks straight ahead at the attackers, a fire of adrenaline ignited in his eyes. He exhales sharply and glares at them.

"How dare you lay a fucking finger on him?" he says roughly, running to the guy closest to him. He kicks him real hard in the nuts and I could only hope that his future generation was still safe. Something about Minho kicking someone's ass for me made me feel things, things which are totally not appropriate to be thinking of WHEN I HAVE TO ACTUALLY GO AND HELP HIM???

I get up from the chair, screaming and charging headfirst at the other guy, ramming him into a large plant. I clearly have no knowledge of self defense, but you learn through experiences, isn't it?

Minho pulls off some really cool professional looking moves and I begin to regret not taking taekwondo classes in my childhood. I was getting beaten up to a pulp instead. Amazing.

Once he's done with the first guy with a few bruises, he moves on to the bigger guy. In that time, I try to think of something I could do to help.

I notice Jeno's half eaten shawarma on his desk and an idea pops into my head. I begin to search around his place because I knew for a fact that a little bag containing pickled vegetables came with his food. I turn to see how things were going with Minho and I see him give me a look in between as if to say, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING JISUNG???"

I find the bag and make a dash for the big guy from behind, fumbling with the cover to untie it. I notice that he brought out a pocket knife from the side, hidden from Minho's view. I shout at him to duck before the blade hits him but he processes it a second too late and it grazes the skin on his arms.

"BITCH!" I yell, emptying the pickled contents onto the guys face and rubbing his eyes with it. He screams in agony. I'm aware of how morbid that sounds, but I had no other option, okay?

Minho looks at me, somewhere in between impressed and concerned about how I just thought of that. I really owed Jeno for that one.  He shakes his head and tells me to find something to tie these guys up with. I remember ropes being one of the props for an older photoshoot set, so I rush to the green room to find it.

Once I get hold of the ropes, I pass it to him. He ties them up together, right on time for the police to arrive. They take over the scene after thanking us and a few officers escort us downstairs.

"OH MY GOD, JISUNG! MY POOR BABY!" Chan runs towards me, wrapping his arms around me in a suffocating but warm hug.

"Shh, don't call me that in public! It's embarrassing!" I whisper yell into his ears, noticing Minho chuckling from the side. I excuse myself and direct him to a secluded corner of the building where not many people were standing.

"Are you okay? I swear those bastards deserved-" Minho starts, but I cut him off with a kiss on his cheek. I couldn't help it. He looks at me with wide eyes.

"Thank you," I say. "For saving me. I'd probably in an ambulance right now if you didn't come in."

Alright, alright, I'll admit it. I've fallen for Minho, and I've fallen hard.

"Your arm..." I point at his bleeding arm.

He suddenly engulfs me in a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay," he says, voice shaking. I didn't know he was that worried. I wrap my arms around him, patting his back and whispering soothing words in an effort to calm him down.

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