Pt. 21

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Slug blinked open his eyes, pain shot through his body alongside confusion.

He struggled to get up, his vision blurred.

" Look! He's awake! " Slug heard an excited voice call to him.

" Leave him alone Junebug. " A gruff voice mumbled.

Slug's head ringed as he regained his balance, his vision cleared up and he studied the dragons in front of him.

He squinted his eyes, studying the dragons he saw what appeared to be a hivewing with white and blue stripes, and a much bigger brown dragon with teal and yellow spots and six wings.

" Where- what- who.. Where's Clip? " Slug panicked, trying to remember what happened.

" And Mortis.. and Pavo.. where's Ying? Where's my friends? " Slug tilted his head.

" CLIP! " Slug shot to his legs, rapidly searching the musky cave. " Where is she?! "

The brown six winged dragon frowned.

" We found you washed up alone. " He reached out a talon to try and calm Slug, his warm gaze reminded the white dragon of Pavo.

" My name is Junebug and this is Avis! " Junebug said happily.

Slug had a look of confusion spread on his face. " What are you guys? Aliens? You sure do look like them. Where am I? Where is Clip? Do you have food? If Pavo was here he would have food. " Slug rambled.

" Slow down young one " Avis sighed.

" We aren't aliens! " Junebug giggled. " We're hybrids! Like you! "

" what's a hybrid. " Slug tilted his head.

" Enough questions. Your clearly rough in the head. You mentioned being hungry, follow me. " Avis mumbled softly, leading Slug out of the cave.

Slug winced and covered his eyes, shielding them from the sun.

" We'll stop by Oak's cave. He knows how to heal. " Avis mumbled to Junebug.

Slug didn't bother to question, he couldn't even bring himself to walk properly.

" ..clip.. "

Slug opened his eyes, he must have passed out on the way to the cave, he looked around, this cave was well lit with lamps.

" Are you sure he's going to be okay Oak? " Slug heard another new voices.

" Not if you keep bugging me! Go mess with Scarab! " A older but irritated voice rang.

" Is he hostile? " A concerned voice muttered.

" Oh great now both of you are here, if he is I can take care of myself! Go reasure Junebug he's fine. I don't want another dragon in here. "

Slug blinked open a eye, shifting around before realizing he was bounded by roots, pressing him closer to a soft moss covered table.

" Yeah, I wouldn't try to escape, they'll just get tighter " A brown and green Wingless dragon snapped.

" Wha- Where's Clip? " Slug shuffled around, paying no attention to the dragons warning.

" You've been mumbling that name in your sleep. Ugh what is she your mate? " The dragon rolled his eyes.

" NO! " Slug whined, still struggling against the roots.

" Dude stop that your going to faint again if they get any tighter" the dragon hissed.

" I have to find Clip! She can't be dead! "

Suddey, the events that had happened last night shot back to him.

" Oh no "

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