Please help

23 1 5

So, I have recently been diagnosed with scoliosis. That means my spine is growing curved and I am growing deformed.

This made me sad ._.

The cob of my spine (the curved part) was first measured at a 29.9 degree angle. If your angle is from 1-20 degrees, that means you can just do some exercises and it will straighten it out. If it's from 20-40, then you will need to wear a body brace for a few years. If it's 40 , you need spinal surgery and must get metal rods put in your back. ._.

It turns out, they measured my spine angle wrong. It wasn't 29.9 degrees.

It was 36.3

Me and my mum have to drive two hours north to go to the Perth Scoliosis Clinic.

Once a week.

I'm missing school.

But school is the last place I want to be right now.

As I wasn't allowed to have anything on my shoulders, my mum bought me a suitcase bag.

The bag is embarrassing. Very embarrassing, since my school has a lot of stairs. It's built on a hill. People are always questioning it and some mean people kick it over... I get laughed at and some people exclaim a bit too loudly about my bag... and swear... and some imitate the noise it makes on the stairs when they think I'm out of earshot.

I hate this

I have to wear my body brace 22 hours a day, for 2-4 years and I'll be receiving it in a few weeks.

At least I get to pick the colour... I think.

Ha ha

Please help

I almost cried in front of everybody (felt like crying all day)

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