This is just a compilation of a bunch of imagines and one-shots I've come up with over years of writing. I'll take requests, as long as I know the fandom (I am willing to do my research). My favourites are Harry Potter, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, a...
But Zofia shook her head. "Shut up, we're doing this."
Suddenly, the door swung open and two pissed-off middle-aged people stood in the doorway.
Zofia cleared her throat. "Hey Mom... hey Dad..." she mumbled with a forced smile.
Y/N waved. "Jan, Daria, wonderful to see you again," he lied.
"I wish I could say the same," Daria muttered.
Jan huffed. "Boy, you know to call us Mr and Mrs Bosak."
"Yes sir." Y/N narrowed his eyes as Daria and Jan stepped aside to let them inside.
Zofia made her way to the dining room. "Wow guys, the food smells amazing," she complimented as she gazed at the spread, her stomach growling.
"Unlike you, Zofia, you smell terribly of B.O. When was the last time you showered?" Daria asked, stepping away from her daughter.
Zofia lowered her gaze. "Erm, Monday," she admitted.
Jan looked appalled as he sat at the head of the table. "Why, that was six days ago! Do you not have a shower in that dumpster you call an apartment?" he asked Y/N.
Y/N clenched his fists, but Zofia rubbed his back, trying to get him to calm down. He sighed. "Mr Bosak, it's Zofia's preference whether or not she wants to shower. She's an adult now, and can do as she wants."
"Is it also her preference to wear such hideous clothes?" Daria questioned. "She looks like she raided your closet."
Zofia tried hard to keep her cool. "I did get these clothes from Y/N's closet."
Daria and Jan seemed even more upset at this. "He's rubbing off on you, Zofia, I don't like that," Jan huffed.
Y/N rolled his eyes. "I'm right here, you know."
Daria nodded. "Yes, we do know."
"Can we please just get this over with?" Zofia muttered, taking off her jacket as she went to sit down.
Suddenly, Daria gasped and her face paled as if she'd seen a ghost.
"What Mom, what? Are you okay?" Zofia asked worriedly, rushing over to her.
But Daria pulled up Zofia's sleeve and turned her for Jan to see. Zofia cringed as she realized what it was. She had forgotten to keep her jacket on to hide the tattoo of a flaming skull on her bicep. The tattoo appointment had been a gift Y/N scheduled her for her birthday. For obvious reasons, Zofia had refrained from telling her parents.
"A TATTOO?" Jan roared. "Is this how we raised you? Have we taught you to defile your body with senseless art? I thought you were on the path to becoming a great military commander, like me! Now look at you. Pathetic."
"I've failed as a mother!" Daria wailed.
But Zofia had finally had enough. She stomped over to Y/N and aggressively wrapped her arm around him. "This is ridiculous!" she shouted. "I have done nothing but follow your strict rules and done your torturous training all my life! You were both so convinced that I was your star child, so much so that it drew a rift between me and my own sister! Well, newsflash, this is who I am now, and this is who I love." She gestured between herself and Y/N. "I don't care that you don't understand the path that has been chosen for me. But until you do understand, I want you out of my life!"
When she was finished screaming at her now-stunned parents, Zofia grabbed Y/N's hand and dragged him out of her parent's house. When they were safely in their car, Y/N grinned at her. "That was hot. I like that side of you."
Zofia sighed and leaned her head back against the headrest. "I don't. I hate having to yell at my parents like that. But I'm done with the way they treat you and me. I never want to see them again."
Y/N bit his lip and fidgeted with his fingers. "Well, you know... I may have a solution to all of your problems."
Zofia cocked her head to the side. "And what's that?"
"Look, I've been thinking for a while that I'd love to go back and show you America. It's a great country, at least, to me it is. I was thinking we could settle down there, and start a whole new life. I know my crew has been wanting to go back for a while as well, so it would be easy to drag them along."
Zofia thought for a moment. "It would make it hard for my parents to find me. And maybe I could try and get in contact with Ela to mend our relationship..."
"Then let me seal the deal," Y/N continued. "I want more than to settle down in America with you. I want to be able to call you mine, and I want you to be able to claim me. So, Zofia..." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a box. "Will you marry me?" He opened it to reveal a ring he had stolen in one of his heists.
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Zofia gasped. "Y/N, it's beautiful... of course, I will marry you, there's nothing else I want more."
Y/N beamed and slid the ring onto her finger. "Goddammit, why are you so stunning?" he asked, leaning in to kiss her.
As Zofia felt his lips against hers, she couldn't help but be giddy that she was finally getting out of Poland- she was finally free.