- NARATOR POV-Izzy and Athena had a quick wedding planning, since they either wanted it now or after the baby was born.
They chose now. The day after Athena went wedding dress shopping and took Ashley with her, and Izzy went tux shopping with Troy and Duff.
The tuxes-
The boys all chose the all black tuxes since Troy and Duff thought it suited Izzy tbe best.The dress-
Ashley cried immedietly when Athena came out of the room with this dress on, so naturally Athena bought it since she wanted people to cry.
Ashley took care of Athenas dress and took it to their house. They made plans that Izzy and the boys would stay at Athena's house and Athena and Ashley would stay at Ashleys house.
Before hand Izzy and Athena had written letters to each other and given Troy and Ash the letters to give to one another.
Izzy had wanted to invite Slash, Axl, Duff and Athena wanted to invite Ashley, Troy, Charlie, George, and someone who she hadn't told anyone.
Izzy had also invited two other people, but he didn't say who since he wanted to surprise Athena.
The next day wad the day of chaos yet tying the knot of that relationship.