Phil walks out of bed, to go and head to make breakfast. He showered and changed, then headed down. When..
"Good Morning, Philza." said a calm voice.
Phil, looks up, and was frightened. "Oh, good morning XD! You certainly did not scare me there." Phil says.
"Haha, very funny Philza."
"Anyway, why are you here?"
"Oh, I thought I'd give you a hand with breakfast, so.."
"XD... that.. is not BREAKFAST... that, is a FEAST."
"Uhh.. is that a compliment?"
"Well, duh."
"Oh uh thank you I guess?"
"Anyway, thanks a lot XD. What time is your meeting again?"
"It is at 11 a.m. sharp. However, you must also reach Sam & Ponk's house at 11 a.m. sharp because, uh you don't want to be late, do you?"
"I'll go wake up Dream. Phil, you can also wake up your son, call your other two sons over. I'll call Foolish and Dream's sons, after Dream's awake."
"I really don't need to wake up Techno-"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Cause I'm already awake, XD" says Techno.
"Oh My-" says XD.
"Yes." says Phil. "That's what scares me sometimes."
"Anyway, I'll wake up Dream."
"Oh hi XD!" Dream says. "You were saying something about me?" says Dream with a smile.
"WHY?" XD says
"What?" Dream asks
"Oh nothing Daydream." XD says. "Now let me guess, as soon as I say the names Tommy, Wilbur, Foolish, Ranboo and Connor-"
"WE'RE RIGHT HERE XD!" say the five of them.
"HOW?" XD says.
"Nevermind that, let's eat." says Foolish, giving a smile to Techno for their mastermind plan to get XD.
"Oh- I get it now Foolish. Nice plan, huh?" XD says
"Well, you fell for it, so how can I say no?" Foolish says.
"GET PRANKED XD!" says Tommy from behind.
They all sit at the table, at eat their food. Dream, Foolish and XD eat quite little (I guess it runs in the family, maybe Ran's next) whilst others eat to their heart's delight. Once all of them were done with their breakfast, it was 10:30 a.m. which meant departure from home for XD and them. They all leave, and reach Sam and Ponk's house by 11 a.m. sharp, like XD said, while XD reaches his meeting, with the God. Only Phil, Dream and Foolish go to Sam's while the other's wait for the meet. The others go off in search of entertainment.
"Okay, Dream. Are you ready?" Phil asks
Dream nods. The doorbell rings. Footsteps are heard. Creaking of the door can be heard. And finally, the door is opened by a smiling Sam.
"Hello Phil! What brings you here?"
"Hey Sam! We just wanted to-" Phil starts
"Wait a minute.. is that.. Dream?" says Sam
"Hello, papa!" says Dream
"Yes.. its a surprise, for you and Ponk." Foolish says
"And Foolish.. ? Wow Phil! This really brightens the day. Come in!"
They walk in into the small house and sit on the sofa.
"PONK! Look who's here!" Sam calls.
"Coming Sam!" Ponk replies. "Oh My- DREAM!"
"Hello Mama!"
After the warm welcome, they all chat about the past, present and future. They sit there for two hours until they finally make their exit.
"Well, that was certainly pleasant, wasn't it?" Phil says.
"But now.. its time for...."
ANOTHER CHAPTER DONE (as it was requested :D)
BAII FOR NOW! Stay Tuned
Words: 535

Dream's Dead?| GhostDream AU
FanfictionAfter being sent to prison, getting the blame and being left by his best friends, was he really the one to blame?