Chapter 7 - They're Written Down in Eternity

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Author's Note: Bonding with Anakin and Ahsoka. :D

~ Amina Gila

Sitting next to Ahsoka waiting for her to wake up is familiar. Anakin's done it countless times during her training – sometimes, it was even Fives who stunned her, and he doesn't want to think about their relationship here. It hasn't been long when she finally stirs, eyes opening slowly.

Her gaze lands on Anakin a split second later, and she instantly jolts upright – or tries to, because she's still moving shakily, recovering from the stunblast.

"It's alright," he tells her soothingly. "I'm not here to hurt you."

She glares at him, though her gaze lingers a moment on her lightsabers, and he shifts so they're pointedly out of reach. "You're a Jedi," she shoots back, "That's what you do. Destroy things."

He ignores the sting of it. It's not true, even if sometimes... It's what he was born for. To destroy things. That's what being the Chosen One means. And there have been times the Jedi have him do things he questioned, but it – it doesn't matter. He can't presume to know better than them, and he has to follow the orders he's given. "I don't know what the Jedi were like here," Anakin replies, because he doesn't and even if some of them are good, Qui-Gon did say many were losing their way. For all he knows, there could've been Jedi who hurt Ahsoka in this reality. "But in my reality, that isn't what it's like."

"I don't even know what you're talking about," she retaliates, "How can you be from another reality?"

"The Force brought me here. I don't understand how it happened, either."

Ahsoka looks like she only half believes him, not as if that's a surprise. "I'm sure Lord Kallous will be interested in hearing that."

Anakin stills, breath catching in his throat at the name. "You know him?"

She scoffs. "Of course, I do. He's the new head of the Inquisitors now." She hadn't made any move to try escaping though, and he finds himself wondering if it's because she failed her mission and she knows that. And he doesn't think Sith are overly tolerant of failure. "Where are the others?" she demands, eyes narrowed. "What do you want with me?"

"Gone," he supplies, "I only want you to... be alright, and I can see that you're not, with the Empire."

She glares at him. "I don't need your help. I don't even know who you are."

He knows that, and he really doesn't need the reminder. "I know, but to me, you're still Ahsoka, and that's all that matters." But she's obviously never had anyone take care of her before, and her coming to trust him is going to take him.

"Do you even have a name?" Ahsoka demands, still glaring at him.

"Anakin Skywalker," he replies, "You were... my padawan." She meant the world to him, gave him a focus during the war. She was what defined so much of his friendship with Rex too, as they raised her together.

"You already said that," she retorts, standing up, stalking a few paces away though she's still moving a little unsteadily, the effects of being stunned wearing off. "And that doesn't make any sense."

Anakin stands too, though he doesn't approach her. "Come with me," he requests. It would be far easier if she'd come willingly, even if he doubts it'll be that simple. "You may not have seen it, but the Empire is hurting people."

"And the Rebellion isn't?"

"I know the Rebellion has, too." He still can't say he supports them, but if the fight is something Qui-Gon believes in, he's staying with him. "But the Empire is... worse. Instead of helping the galaxy when they have the power to, it's hurting everyone. And the clones... are their property." (That's somewhat true for the Republic too, and he doesn't want to think about it. The Republic is falling apart, corrupt, and he hasn't believed in the Republic's system in a long time, at least not since Palpatine first took him to the Underworld when he was thirteen and showed him what it was truly like.)

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