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I decided to give it a few days before confronting Emma about my conversation with Regina. I wanted to give the brunette time to sort it out herself but I should've known she wouldn't given her stubborn nature. "So, what did you need to see me about?" the blonde asks after having a sip of her coffee as we take a stroll down the lane. "It's about Henry" I start off and based on the way her posture straightens I'm sure she knows where I'm going with this.

"Regina sent you" she sighs, "actually no. This is strictly on my behalf, it's hard being in the middle" I express and she purses her lips. "Look... I don't know what happened before I got here—the history between you two; but I can see plain as day that it isn't good. However, as the adults in this situation, you both need to show some decorum; if you don't... you could end up hurting Henry in the crossfire" I warn and she sighs deeply.

"It's not my fault Regina is stubborn" she shrugs, "she said that about you too, you know? And I told her that you're both strong women... use that to your advantage instead of taking it as a threat. You both want what's best for Henry, that's obvious. Don't you think he'd be better off if his parents could get along?" I ask and it's silent for a moment which makes me groan internally.

"Listen... I know what it's like to have parents—well guardians—fight. No matter how hard you try, the kid always gets put in the middle and has to choose. Right now it appears to Regina that he's choosing you and obviously that's wounded her. On your end—and correct me if I'm wrong... but it seems like you're trying to make up for missed time" I state firmly and her gaze falls to the ground, which confirms my thoughts.

"Emma... you can't make up for time that's already lost, it doesn't work that way. What you can do, is try to make the most of whatever moments you can create in the present. Using Henry to relinquish yourself of the guilt you feel for having left him is not right. You have to respect those that were here before you—the ones that cared for him in your absence. They kept your little boy healthy and happy, there's something to be said for that" I point out and it seems like I'm getting through to her based on the way her eyes turn glossy but her expression remains hardened.

"Your experience isn't the same as Henry's. The same as how his isn't the same as mine. Henry wasn't an orphan—maybe by technical definition but... he never felt that hole like we did. Sure when he got older he became curious, but I don't think he ever lacked love in the way you may think he did. The presence of his clearly expanding imagination and wonder is a very good indicator of that. He still has that spark for life that we lost too early... it's ok to loosen your grip—he won't think less of you" at this point I'm just speaking out my ass but it seems to be working.

"Just... try letting him spend time with her to balance it out. He's spent his whole life with one parent and now he has two amazing women in his life; let him actually enjoy that" I say as we arrive outside the station and she stops, her gaze still not meeting mine. "Even if I think this is a good idea... Mary Margaret will never agree" she shrugs, using her mom as a scapegoat. "May I be frank?" I ask and she nods hesitantly as I piece together my words in my mind.

"Mary isn't Henry's mother. Yes she's his grandmother but... it's not the same. There comes a time in every mother's life where you have to put your foot down regarding the wellbeing of your child. If she isn't happy about it, guess what? She'll get over it. When she sees how happy Henry is... she won't be able to deny it and I know you all want what's best for him in the end—even if it differs from your own personal beliefs, am I right?" I prompt and she nods in agreement.

"Ok... I'm willing to try" the blonde mumbles, "and Emma, I may not be a mother but... I see a lot of myself in Henry as I'm sure you do too. I would never suggest anything that may put him in harms way. Regina has changed a lot, even in the time that I've been here and you can count on me to make sure behaves" I joke and she chuckles.

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