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"You could've killed him."

Ramjet looked up, annoyed, but scared for his life.

"For the last time. It wasn't me. I was in the race with the others."

Something bad had happened to his flock leader, Starscream, and no one believed that it wasn't him. Sure he looked like his fellow coneheads, and had gotten in tussles with his air commander before, but it had all been friendly.  Seekers commonly tussled, and he couldn't clue why he was being singled out besides the say so of two children and Wheeljack.

But now, While most seekers were on his side, you know, the ones, in the race with him outside that day, Skywarp and Novastorm didn't know what to believe.

"Listen." Skywarp continued, "We know you've had a grudge against Starscream for awhile–" Ramjet huffed, dislike for his commander's actions, wasn't a grudge, "-and, you know, I just wanna hear it. Did you...try to kill off my neice?"

Ramjet blinked, looking at the other from the other side of the conversation pit.

"We are the last seekers alive. Why would I do that? Every seeker all the way to Slipstream has been excited over the idea of a younger flock member, why would I ruin that?"

Novastorm walked up. "They do kinda have camera evidence."

"Is the camera even in color?" Ramjet groaned, looking to the side, "I have five seekers who have an identical frame to me, how are we so sure it was me?"

"Your voice, your colors, your frame, your moves– i mean come on man!" Skywarp huffed.

"I swear– promise you all it wasn't me!" Ramjet cried out, "We were all racing! Thundercracker could tell you that, Acidstorm could tell you that, hell! Even an arielbot could tell you!"

Skywarp and Novestorm glanced to each other, Ramjet grumbled. It was obvious they didn't believe him, abd he couldnt feel more helpless. Even if he had issues with his leader, this was too far.

"Could I help you find who did it?"

Skywarp and Novastorm immediately turned to him like startled cats.

"But you–"

"Let me prove my innocence by helping you find who did it. Because obviously they've found a way to blame it on me, so there has to be leftover evidence. The cameras should show pretty well that I didn't show up until later with everyone else on the roof."

Novastrom's optics grew sympathetic, while Skywarp's expression was hesitant. "He's right babe." Nova mumbled.

Skywarp took in a hefty breath, "Alright."

Ramjet sighed, happy to have more people trusting him on this.

"But you fuck up, looks like you're learning A Minor on the Uke." SKywarp threatened.

Novastorm snorted.


Rewind and Eject, Blaster's troublesome twins entered the surveillance room. All the adults were talking outside, so all the children gathered together to watch cams. They had been doing it and pretending to be spies for awhile now. Enemy, the oldest of Megatron and Soundwave's kids looked over from the big chair he sat in, Ravage laid by his legs.

"Hey, you two!" Enemy said hurriedly, a stupid and mischievous grin on his face. "Come check this out!"

The two younger mechs made their way over, Rewind almost tripping over Ravage's tail. Frenzy giggled, before rewinding a certain camera, showing Sideswipe walking in the commons. "Wait for it..." He mumbled lowly, before watching the mech on the cams slipping on ketchup, and right onto his aft.

The group of kids erupted into laughter almost immediately. There wasn't quite something as funny to children as pain. Especially something so cartoonish from someone older.

Once all was calmed down, Eject asked, "Hey– have you visited Starscream yet? He's telling stories about war stupidity. Like, really funny moments."

"Apparently as a timepasser." Rewind added.

"We've heard them all already." Rumble shrugged, crouching down to pet Ravage. "But we plan to go say hi, since...well hes our friend." Enemy focused back to the cams while they spoke, looking around and rewinding some footages.

"Well, definitely stop by to see his baby. She's really really cute!!"

"What was ner name?"

"Skyfire won't reveal outside of Starscream's family right now." Eject interrupted, slowly stimming with her arms, "He says he wants Starscream to be the one to share it."

"Guys look!" Enemy said, pointing to the cameras. All the other kids quickly crowded themselves together to see what their older companion had spotted. On the slightly blurry surveillance, Perceptor held a big piece of machinery, taking it out of an abandoned room.

Rumble narrowed his eyes, and Ravage had stood up and put his paws on the desk to watch too. "I'm a snooper, and that, my friends, I have not snooped around before. What is that?"

As they watched the cameras more, the door opened, they all looked over, except for Ravage. Soundwave stood at the door, "Hey," He softly started, "Who wants to make some cookies with me and Jazz?"

Immediately, all the kids, except for enemy, excitedly ran Soundwave's way, happily giggling and coming up with shapes and ideas for cookies. As they left, Soundwave looked over to Enemy once more and asked, "Not joining?"

Enemy stared at the camera with Ravage, it no longer showed a clear picture, and rather static with a big red "ERROR" signal.

"I think I'll catch up later..."

Sorry for no Skyfire or Starscream this chapter 😭

"Someone Fucking Loved Me." Skyfire x StarscreamWhere stories live. Discover now