TICK. TICK. TICK. So, the day came. Everything seemed to be crashing down on her as she stared at the novelty shaped clock. On a desk sat a golden cat with one paw in the air that was rocking back and forth. She was transfixed. Zoning out kept her safe, her mind safe at least. Because now everything was so real, everything she signed up for was to be given to her. She volunteered. And the reason why she was there was the one she couldn't tell. Her mother would cause a whirlwind if she found out. But what choice did Fleur have? She joins the Order and be in control of her families safety or wait for Voldemort or his merry men to come knocking, submit to them or die. Her mother wouldn't get such a choice because she was vermin that tainted the wizarding blood. A small nudge brought her back to present. A small gloomy office decorated in shades of wood, bronze and gold to give the place some depth. Eyes flashing to the culprit of the interference, Sirius had a look of concern on his face that melted when she smiled his way. It was so warming to him, homely maybe."Ah I see you found a fascination with the cat." Dumbledore spoke up as he took as seat at the other side of the desk, he was peering over his half moon glasses to examine the girl as she looked back at the clock. "A symbol of luck to many muggles, I find their superstitions fascinating." He spoke. "Now," The man changed his tone as he turned his attention to both of them. "I suppose the pair will remember Professor Huddlesruck?" To which the pair smirked. See in their fifth year, Sirius and Fleur we're dad starting to get bored in Defense Against the Dark Arts. The pair where excelling in the class miles above their peers but where stuck in that class away from their friends because of their electives. So they made the most of it. Some people pointed to them being the cause of the man's early retirement.
"I'm sure he does." Sirius commented, getting a nod of agreement from Dumbledore. Before his retirement, he'd tried everything to get the pair to stop even going as far as trying to get them expelled. That was a rather amusing meeting with Dumbledore and the four Head of Houses. And the pair did not take it serious for a moment. Which made her wonder how on earth Dumbledore had let them join the Order.
"Even with the colourful past, Henry has requested the two of you specifically." The man explained, getting a slight frown out of both of them. "Instead of retirement, I had another opportunity for Mr Huddlesruck and he accepted. This has been a frightful role and we believe he may be compromised. We need the pair of you to escort him to this safe house, he entrusts no one else as he states he's seen no greater skill out of the hundreds of students he taught compared to the likes of you two."
"If he's compromised, I assume he is in hiding?" Fleur asked, earning a nod from the man.
"Fidelius charm. A part of Order requirements, we encourage another to be secret keepers for us just in case trouble comes." With a flick of his wand, a piece of parchment appeared on the table which Sirius leaned over and grabbed. He looked to her and back at the paper before handing it over. This was it. Their first mission.
Everything warped into view, they'd apparated a few alleyways over to avoid suspicion and a way to scope out the area. It was a neighbourhood of terrace houses, not too different from her own home but they were newly built and double in size. It was dark out, supposedly it was easier to go unnoticed at such a time as their was no muggles sticking their nose in. Sirius had always been quiet advanced at memory charms so they'd be safe in such a case. It was oddly tranquil. The only sound was echos of birds saying their goodnight or the sound of laughter coming from families settled in to watch a late night show. They were oblivious to the storm around them, the one that wanted them gone. It was twisted."It's this one." Sirius spoke as she stopped beside him. There seemed to be nothing inherently different about the place though she'd never seen the fidelius charm in use. Like all the others, the living room light glared behind closed curtains and a light hum of the TV swirled into the nights air.
FanfictionSummer of 78', their last and the group intends to make the most of it. Fleur knew what was coming after this, death, war, destruction. They had to make the most of their youth whilst they still had it. Surrounded by her best friends, the alcohol al...