Jacob: "Also... can this battle be a double battle?" I pause. "Fine, whatever. Lets just get this over with." Rylee: "Good Luck!" Luis: "Bring home a win!"
We find a battlefield in the middle of the town nearby and we get set up on each side.
Jacob: "Don't hold back kid!" "My name is Ethan... not kid." He then throws out his Slowbro and his Dewgong. Two water types huh? "Ok then! Flora- Max- Go!" I throw two pokeballs forward and my pokemon come out of them, ready for battle.
Jacob: "Dewgong use Surf! Slowbro use Psychic on Vileplume!" "Max block surf! Flora, Sunny Day!" Flora lets out a Sunny Day and Max makes an invisible wall. The wall blocks both Flora and Max from the foes attacks.
"Max use Magical Leaf! Flora use Solar Beam!" Jacob: "Dewgong use Ice beam, freeze the floor! Slowbro use Amnesia!" Our pokemon attack and while the Floor gets frozen, Max releases leaves that shoot straight at Slowbro. Flora's Solar Beam gets direct hit on Slowbro too, but it stands tall.
Thats one tough Slowbro...
Jacob: "Ah Ha! Thats it- Slowbro now use Surf! Dewgong use Sheer Cold!" "Dodge it!" My pokemon jump up and out of the way but yet Max still gets hit. "Max use Psybeam, Flora use Attract!" Both pokemon fall under Flora's Attract and they start moving forward. This gives Max an opening to attack. Jacob: "Guys snap out of it!" "Now finish this off with Solar Beam and Magical Leaf!"
Max fires the Magical Leaf at Slowbro and Flora shoots its Solar Beam at Dewgong. Both pokemon fall down and faint.
Jacob: "No! My sweet Pokemon!" Jacob runs forward and returns his pokemon. "Good job Flora and Max." Max and Flora high five eachother and I call them back into their pokeballs. "Good Battle?" Jacob: "Yeah... good battle."
Surprisingly this battle turned out to be one of my quicker ones... but I won't complain.
Luis: "Hey Ethan!" I turn around to see my friend waving at me. "Oh hey." I walk over to my friends and they pat my shoulder. I then turn and go to pick up my Ice Cream from Vee but... she finished both hers and mine. She lays down on the bench with a full belly.
"Vee..." Vee rolls over and looks at me. "Why did you eat my Ice Cream?" Vee smiles and licks her lips. She then pats her belly and sighs. Nevermind, why does it matter anyways. Rylee: "Hey Ethan." I look over my shoulder. "Hm?" Rylee: "We heading back to the beach? Or back into a room?" I shrug. "Umm... I honestly don't care. What do you think Luis?" Luis: "Definitely the Beach! I still have energy to burn!" Oh well.
10 minutes later...
Rylee: "Ethaaan... Please come out and play with us-" I sigh. "No, please. I just 'wanna relax on this beach towel..." Vee nods at Rylee in agreement. Rylee: "... Then if you won't go to the water... I'll bring the water to you!" "Don't you freaking Dare-" Right as I turn around, Lapras shoots a Water Gun at me and Vee and we both get soaking wet. Rylee: "Teehee~" I spit water out of my mouth and move my hair out if my eyes. "This isn't funny."
Rylee pauses. Rylee: "Oh. Were you being serious?" I nod. "Yes." Rylee: "O-oh. I am so sorry! It seemed like you were half-joking!" Rylee claps her hands together and bows her head down. "Your forgiven, just please let me rest- I feel pooped out today..."
It is weird though... earlier I had so much energy, how come I can even get myself to go into the water?
Rylee: "Ok, i will." Rylee then runs off into the water with her pokemon, smiling. Man, I wish I had as much energy as her right now, but I feel... a bit... tired.
Luis: "Ethan!" I feel a Jab to my side and I flinch awake. "Hey-" I get up and I turn to the side where both Rylee and Luis stand. Rylee: "You finally are awake." I look around. Is it sun setting? "... How long was I asleep for?" Luis and Rylee look at eachother and shrug. Luis: "We don't know, but definitely for about 2 to 3 hours." 2 to 3 hours? Oh ok that isn't all that bad I guess.
I get myself up and I turn to my friends. Rylee: "Woah-" Luis: "Ooohh... Ethan, ouch." I look at them confused. "What is it?" Neither of them respond but Luis pulls his phone out and takes a quick picture of me. "Delete the photo now. You know i don't like to be in photos-" Luis then hands me his phone.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" I almost drop the phone. Holy cow! I am majorly Sun Burned! Now that I think about it, my skin seems to be boiling. Vee then hops onto my shoulder and I quickly shrug her off due to the pain. "Vee don't do that- Ow." Luis: "Yeah, thats looks bad." Rylee: "I think you should've gotten some sun screen..."
"Yeah. This hurts." We all pack up and we decide to go to the Pokemon Center. Maybe Nurse Joy could help. Though I doubt she has any ointment to help with this Sun burn.
Rylee: "I mean, it doesn't look to bad now- I think the shading from the shadows made it look worse." I groan. "Whatever..." Luis: "Hey, don't be so down. We all have gotten a sun burn before." Luis nods and when I turn to Rylee and she a slight shake of her head as she looks at Luis.
"Yeah... we all here have gotten a sun burn Luis..."

Ethan's Pokemon Journey!
FantasyFinally! It's the day, 10 year old Ethan had dreamed of since he was a little kid. He finally gets to become a Pokemon Trainer! Thinking that his journey will be easy, he sets off to explore the Kanto Region. But he soon realizes the harsh reality o...